Liked The glacier melt series 1999/2019 (

In 1999 I travelled to Iceland to document a number of the country’s glaciers from the air. Back then, I thought of the glaciers as beyond human influence. They were awe-inspiring and exhilaratingly beautiful. They seemed immobile, eternal. I was struck at the time by the difference between the human scale and the scale of geo-history. For me a glacier or a rock seem solid, but on the geological scale, rocks and glaciers are constantly in motion.

This summer, twenty years later, I went back to photograph the same glaciers from the same angle and at the same distance. Flying over the glaciers again, I was shocked to see the difference. Of course, I know that global heating means melting ice and I expected the glaciers to have changed, but I simply could not imagine the extent of change. All have shrunk considerably and some are even difficult to find again. Clearly this should not be the case, since glacial ice does not melt and reform each year, like sea ice. Once a glacier melts, it is gone. Forever. It was only in seeing the difference between then and now – a mere twenty years later – that I came to fully understand what is happening. The photos make the consequences of human actions on the environment vividly real. They make the consequences felt.

This August, I joined a group of people to commemorate the passing of Okjökull, the first glacier in Iceland to vanish entirely as a result of human activity. It was a humbling experience. A plaque laid at the site bears an inscription, drafted by the Icelandic writer Andri Snær Magnason, that poses a question to future generations: ‘We know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it.’

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Huge congratulations Fiona.
Listened Episode 173: Bat for Lashes,Song Exploder | Bat for Lashes from Song Exploder

Natasha Khan makes music under the name Bat for Lashes. She’s released five albums, including Lost Girls, which came out in September 2019. In this episode, she breaks down the making of the lead single from that album, called “Kids in the Dark.” But just before she started writing it, she wasn’t sure if she would make another album at all.

Replied to Models for Evaluating Education Technology (

In the course of my research, I came across these different models of evaluating education technologies. I haven’t added much of my own context or analysis around many of these. But thought it could still be useful to some as a starting point for someone looking for tools to help evaluate education technology.

I remember doing my own review of models and resources associated with educational technologies a few years ago. There were some like Graphite and Courseware in Context that I had not heard of.
Replied to Chris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

An interesting method of leaving Instagram. I still read content there, but I had used dsgnwrks-instagram-importer by Justin Sternberg to rescue all of my Instagram posts back into my WordPress site since it gave me a huge amount of control over porting over the metadata as well. I’m noticing that the repository lists it with a warning “This plugin has been closed as of August 10, 2019 and is not available for download. Reason: Licensing/Trademark Violation.” though I can’t imagine what that would have been for unless Instagram is trying to nudge Justin out. (There’s a copy of the plugin on Github for those who may still want it.) Other than a small issue I’d seen with some emoji in Instagram, the plugin always worked like a charm for me.

I tried jtsternberg/DsgnWrks-Instagram-Importer, but the authentication process throws up an error. I would assume that may relate to the ‘violation’? Might need to try Keyring Social Importer.
Bookmarked 10 strange Aphex Twin myths and the truth behind them (FACT Magazine: Transmissions from the underground)

What’s fact and what’s fiction?

I think my favourite ‘myth’ is the one about The Lemonheads remix:

As legend holds, he was commissioned to remix alt-rockers The Lemonheads, but when the courier came for the tape, he had nothing to turn in; he either didn’t listen to the original or “couldn’t be bothered to do their track ’cause it was so shit.” Instead, he grabbed an old track, handed it over, and was paid four grand for his work. “Strangely, they never released it,” he told Loaded (which makes confirming this one particularly difficult). “They should’ve been honoured, I reckon. It would have sounded better than any rubbish song they wrote.”

Liked Things I can not share (

One of the most interesting thing about working as a principal in a school is that there are many issues that I’d love to write about… but I can’t. Scenarios can easily by attributed to actual people, students/parents/teachers/staff/colleagues, and that would be unprofessional. Sometimes that makes writing this blog daily rather difficult, because much of my day is broken up into a series of things that are too personal or too specific to mention. Even in explaining this, I started to write a few ‘for example’ scenarios and thought better of it after trying. I don’t have a right to share things that can affect other people’s lives in a negative way, but I also don’t want to sanitize my thinking around a topic and make my writing unauthentic.

Replied to Leaked documents document China’s plan for mass arrests and concentration-camp internment of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang (Boing Boing)

In addition to setting out a number of logistical and planning guidelines — such as sanitation and public health measures — the documents detail a system of points-based “behavior modification” tools to punish and reward prisoners who modify their conduct to the specifications of the Chinese state. This points-based system runs in parallel to the “predictive policing” tools that the Chinese state uses to identify and target people for rendering to its camps.

The use of points-based behavior modification sounds like ClassDojo?
Bookmarked Why the world is running out of sand (

Awareness of the damage caused by our addiction to sand is growing. A number of scientists are working on ways to replace sand in concrete with other materials, including fly ash, the material left over by coal-fired power stations; shredded plastic; and even crushed oil palm shells and rice husks. Others are developing concrete that requires less sand, while researchers are also looking at more effective ways to grind down and recycle concrete.

Vince Beiser digs into the world of sand. Interestingly, it is used in a number of different contexts, from the increase of land to the creation of glass. Also the mining of the resource is having both an environmental impact on rivers and people forced to work.
Liked The Guardian view on George Eliot: a novelist for now | Editorial (the Guardian)

Middlemarch itself is the true hero – the fictional small town that gives the book its title. The name suggests a place that is geographically and metaphorically central (Middle-) and also peripheral (-march, as in marches or borderlands). It is a book that absolutely belongs to the English Midlands, but its author breathed into it all the sensibilities of a life marinated in European culture (an important section is set in Rome). Eliot was a European intellectual with a working knowledge of five ancient and modern languages, who translated important works of German theology; Middlemarch was compared to Sand, Balzac and Flaubert by 19th-century critics.

Replied to Fit2Learn: Learning How to Learn | Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog (

This is a potential roadmap (among many others)… a guide to getting fit to learn how to learn in (only a few weeks away from) the third decade of the 21st century and to teach and educate children who will live into the 22nd century!

This is a great provocation Silvia. I have been wondering about what changes when teachers leave the classroom and enter different roles. Clearly there are no longer children, but I think that sometimes the challenge can be to stay ‘Fit2Learn’ as you put it. I particularly like how you break learning down into the different aspects, including mental training, physical training, process, fuel, injury and events. It reminds me of Tom Whitby’s adage: “If we are to better educate our kids, we need first to better educate their educators.”
Bookmarked Inspired (

Linda Marigliano talks to artists to find out the stories behind your favourite songs.Subscribe to the Inspired podcast for weekly episodes.

I have started following Inspired, a Triple J Podcast which breaks down tracks with artists, often providing fresh insights. It is similar to Song Exploder, but often has a more nostalgic bent. Some of my favourite episodes in digging into old episodes have been James Blake talking about Retrograde, Alan Braxe talking about Music Sounds Better With You, Client Liaison talking about World Of Our Love, Amy Shark on Adore, Chris Cheney and Scott Owen discussing Prisoner of Society, Franz Ferdinand on Take Me Out, Felix Buxton on Good Luck and The Wombats on their Greek Tragedy.
Listened Watch Carly Rae Jepsen Perform on NPR’s “Tiny Desk Concert” from Pitchfork

Carly Rae Jepsen performed three Dedicated tracks: “Now That I Found You,” “Want You in My Room,” and “The Sound.” It was interesting to hear the stripped back of some of the production elements. I was left wondering what the songs might sound like played acoustically?
Listened Cashews, the World Bank, and Mozambique A misguided policy that did nobody any good by Jeremy Cherfas from

Jeremy Chefas discusses the history of cashews and the arrival in Mozambique via the Portuguese. He then discusses the challenges associated with production and cheaper labour in India. The catch with ‘cheaper’ is that this comes with an often hidden cost to the women when do the processing with the support of their children.