Bookmarked Atlassian’s guide to agile ways of working with ITIL 4 (Atlassian)

ITIL 4 is here—and it’s more agile than ever. Learn tips to bring agility and collaboration into ITSM with Atlassian.

In this guide, Atlassian and AXELOS have partnered to help jumpstart your agile journey. You’ll learn eight practices typically used by high-velocity IT teams, and tips from the Atlassian Team Playbook to bring more agility and collaboration into ITSM:

Source: ITIL 4 is here—and it’s more agile than ever. by Atlassian

Akshay Anand, Paul Buffington, Ian Buchanan and Teresa Fok from Atlassian and Axelos come together to provide a practical guide for working with ITIL 4 and Atlassian. The whitepaper begins by addressing the guiding principles to ITIL:

  • Focus on value
  • Start where you are
  • Progress iteratively with feedback
  • Collaborate and promote visibility
  • Think and work holistically
  • Keep it simple and practical
  • Optimize and automate

It then explores the practices that the ‘best performing IT teams typically use’:

  • Continual improvement with retrospectives – This can involve two continual improvement practices: the Improvement Kata and retrospectives.
  • Agile project management to speed up project delivery
  • Knowledge management to empower team culture – This can involve aggregating your team’s knowledge in a single repository.
  • Customer-centered service desk and request management – This often involves a focus on developing resources and processes to support self-service and sharing documentation with lower levels.
  • Adaptive incident management – This involves planning, responding, and learning from every incident.
  • Streamlined change control through automation and collaboration
  • Continuous delivery for deployment management
  • Integrated software development and operations teams – This can include shifting your mindset towards better collaboration, tighter integration, and shared risks and responsibility.

I found this paper interesting reflection upon my practices, as I feel that I am already doing many of the things intuitively, but that ITIL framework provides clarity on how to talk about this. For example, a few years ago I developed public facing catalogues associated with reports and guides which can be understood as a “Shift left” approach to setting up self-service strategies. While when implementing the eLearn solution, I created a process to support learning from incidents through the creation of a knowledge base organised into different modules. This was then used to develop proactive actions to prevent such incidents occuring again. I also introduced introduced Trello and Kanban to my team as a means of managing projects collaboratively.

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It’s not just about download sizes. I welcome high-speed internet as much as the next guy. But code — JavaScript — is something that your browser has to parse, keep in memory, execute. It’s not free. And these people talk about performance and battery life…

Call me old-fashioned, but I firmly believe content should outweigh code size. If you are writing a blog post for 10K characters, you don’t need 1000× more JavaScript to render it.

Source: JavaScript Bloat in 2024 @

via Tim Klapdor

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What makes this situation so ridiculous is that while we’re all watching for scammers attempting to imitate legitimate organisations, FedEx is out there imitating scammers! Here we are in the era of burgeoning AI-driven scams that are becoming increasingly hard for humans to identify, and FedEx is like “here, hold my beer” as they one-up the scammers at their own game and do a perfect job of being completely indistinguishable from them.

Source: Thanks FedEx, This is Why we Keep Getting Phished by Troy Hunt

Bookmarked The ‘overemployed’ online community is engaged in a profitable workplace deception (ABC News)

Boundaries between work and life have blurred like never before, with checking emails after hours becoming increasingly normalised.

On the other hand, suspicious bosses aren’t able to glance over at their employees to keep an eye on them.

New concepts like “quiet quitting” emerged in 2022; older ones like “presenteeism” found new resonance in the remote-first era.

And, in Australia, the government has responded with newly passed, right-to-disconnect laws.

It was while navigating the changing terrain at the height of the pandemic that Tony adopted what he describes as a “Marxist” viewpoint to justify his choices.

He felt his employer was exploiting him by profiting off the excess value created through his hard work.

If an employer is happy with a worker’s output and signs off on their time sheets, Tony asks, “Is it unethical to do something else [on the side]?”

Fiona Macdonald from the Centre for Future Work says this is akin to saying “two wrongs make a right”.

Source: Tony was working two jobs. His bosses didn’t know by @abcnews

Although I have issues with open offices, I am really intrigued when some colleagues want to work five days at home. It feels like in a post-COVID work that there is a lot of innuendo around people having side-hustles. To be fair, this has always been the case, it just feels like it has become front and centre. This feels like it is leading to a culture of survellience. I like the point that this is a ‘race to the bottom’ is pertinent.

“Workplaces that run on fear and a lack of trust – that’s a race to the bottom,” she explains.

“If you’re communicating regularly with staff, you’ll know which employees are performing well and which ones aren’t. We don’t need a Big Brother approach to tell us that.”

Source: Tony was working two jobs. His bosses didn’t know by @abcnews

Really, if I was going to the effort of having two jobs, I would get two devices. Also, I personally think that beyond ‘communication’, I add regular notes and updates to projects or incidents. I believe that this tells enough of a story. this still runs the risk of becoming performative, rather than productive.

Liked Leo Strauss [Straussian Approach] Leo Strauss Reading Center [2019] by 1princej (

According to Strauss, a person can only be called a great thinker if they are able to bring solutions to major challenges. Unlike great thinkers that directly deal with the challenges associated with human existence, scholars only come into play when it is time to weigh the difference in the methodology of various great thinkers.

Source: Leo Strauss & Straussian

Bookmarked Google Maps error forces lost tourists to walk 60km from bogged car in Cape York by Holly Richardson (ABC News)

Rangers say two young German tourists are “lucky to be alive” after walking for several days in the Cape York wilderness after their car became bogged because of a Google Maps error.

Two young men are lucky to be alive after walking for several days in the Cape York wilderness when their car became bogged after they followed Google Maps directions.

Source: Google Maps error forces lost tourists to walk 60km from bogged car in Cape York

Although I feel I can confidently find my way when driving, I often turn to Google when traffic is tempremental. Recently, on a drive home on the Princess Freeway, Google actually took me onto the Williamstown Road exit as it had not adjusted to the new highway. Ironically, this led to waiting 15+ minutes to get off the freeway only to he then told to get back on it again. However, this error was nothing to this story about German tourists going offroad in Cape York and having to hike a week to get to safety.

Listened The Common Touch, album by Custard by Contributors to Wikimedia projects from Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

The Common Touch is the seventh studio album by Australian alternative rock band Custard “Custard (band)”), released on 6 October 2017 by ABC Music.[1]#citenote-NLACommon-1) It was supported by the singles “In the Grand Scheme of Things (None of This Really Matters)” and “2000 Woman”.

Source: The Common Touch) by Wikipedia

Some albums make you want move, I found The Common Touch a bit more subdued than some of their earlier albums, but it feels like this space gives the opportunities for the hooks and harmonies to really flourish. For me, it is one of those albums that the more I listened, the more I could not help sing along with.

“In the ’90s it was much more of an ongoing concern that we were a professional music group, so you had to constantly think about how to make people interested in you again. How could we get people to our gigs? How do we get songs on the radio? And none of those factors really come into the equation now. Now it’s like, ‘What’s the most interesting songs we can write and record and release?’ “

And there’s no shortage of those on The Common Touch, a varied and focused record that shows the band’s eagerness to move beyond their quirky slacker pop “golden days”.

“This is the first time I sat in my spare room in Bexley and just went, ‘Right, every day I’m going to sit down and make myself available to write songs.’ So for about three or four weeks, five days a week, I’d just sit in the room and make stuff up.”

Source: From the ’90s to now, Custard haven’t lost their common touch by Bronwyn Thompson

Sonically, The Common Touch is a mixture of the old and new. There is the familiar sounds, whether it be the lap steel and acoustic guitar, but there are also new ingredients (or old ingredients given more room), such as female harmonies, piano and harmonica. Interestingly, the mood of the music does not always match the songs.

Reading some of the interviews, one of the contrasts with The Common Touch was the speed it was recorded. Although the initial 30-40 ideas were carved out over weeks, the album itself was recorded on a weekend.

“Glenn also mixed the album and says it’s an old-school 70s retro album. You stick the headphones on at 10:30 at night, just before you go to sleep, and just cruise into it. All will be revealed with headphones – secrets and messages. It’s all very deep, like an onion.”

Source: Interview: Custard’s David McCormack sums up everything that’s ever happened in music with The Common Touch by Tim Byrnes


  1. In the Grand Scheme of Things (McCormack) – As with Come Back, All is Forgiven, The Common Touch too opens with a song beginning from the start. It also sets a similar slow groove. However, this is disrupted with the trumpet / harmonica solo.
  2. Hailey’s Comet (McCormack) – A slow groove reflecting on having a moment while watching Hailey’s Comet. It is another example of a song that tells a story, while captures odd moments.
  3. I’m not Well (McCormack) – This song introduces the big backing vocals, with the ‘ahhhs’ and ‘ohhhhs’ reminded me of Pink Floyd, although the song is not necessarily a Pink Floyd song. It maybe a soul thing, not quite sure. I also wonder how this song would sound mashed up with Tiffany’s I Think Were Along Now.
  4. Princess Highway (McCormack) – The slow beat, strings and lap steel help create a big airy feel that reminds me of Mercury Rev’s ‘Holes’. It creates a bed for McCormack to reflect and reminisce.
  5. Sinking Feeling (McCormack) – The introduction had me thinking of Blondie’s ‘Rapture’. I love the contrast between the driving bass in the verse and the chorus with its sing song lyrics. This is one of those songs that can be construed as both positive and negative, drowning or waving.
  6. You Always Knew (McCormack) – The loose talking lyrics reminded me of Robert Forster the Go-Betweens.
  7. Hands on Fire (G. Thompson) – Thompson with a song that gets your leg tapping away. Reminds me of Methyl Ethel’s talk louder the way in which it locks into the groove, but does not necessarily go anywhere.
  8. Armegeddon (McCormack) – just when you thought Custard could not rock out any more, that they have entered the world of ‘Adult Contemporary’ they crank it up just so you know.
  9. Dr Huxley Creeper (McCormack) – oh yeah and they can play up tempo pieces still too. 
  10. 2000 Woman (McCormack) – This could almost be an LCD Soundsystem song
  11. Police Cars (G. Thompson, Wintah Thompson, Nellie Pollard-Wharton) – The chorus synth reminds me of Bigger Than Tina or Regurgitator. I was left wondering about ‘my’ communism. Interesting how one word can change everything.
  12. Take It From Here (McCormack)
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A committed artist cannot afford the luxury of revelation. Inspiration is the indolent indulgence of the dabbler. Muses, Tam, are for losers!

Source: Red Hand Files Issue #274 by Nick Cave

Nick Cave responds to questions of inspiration and muses, arguing that what is important is to just keep going. This also reminds me of another letter in which he spoke about ‘talent’ and ‘success’.

Art gives much, but it asks much in return. It demands nothing less than complete commitment and significant sacrifice. Talent is nice if you have it, but in some ways it is a secondary requirement.

Source: Red Hand Files Issue #138 by Nick Cave

Reading amd listening to numerous music memoirs recently, one of the things that has stood out to me is how many succeed simply through the persistence of turning up again amd again.

🤔 How Spoutible’s Leaky API Spurted out a Deluge of Personal Data

During my 14 years at Pfizer, I once reviewed an iOS app built for us by a low-cost off-shored development shop. I proxied the app through Fiddler, watched the requests and found an API that was returning every user record in the system and for each user, their corresponding password in plain text. When quizzing the developers about this design decision, their response was – and I kid you not, this isn’t made up – “don’t worry, our users don’t use Fiddler” 🤦‍♂️

Source: How Spoutible’s Leaky API Spurted out a Deluge of Personal Data by @troyhunt

Liked Pluralistic: How I got scammed (05 Feb 2024) by Cory DoctorowCory Doctorow (

I wuz robbed.

More specifically, I was tricked by a phone-phisher pretending to be from my bank, and he convinced me to hand over my credit-card number, then did $8,000+ worth of fraud with it before I figured out what happened. And then he tried to do it again, a week later!

Source: Pluralistic: How I got scammed (05 Feb 2024)

Replied to epilepticrabbit ( (

13 people recently unsubscribed from my newsletter, including @dajb who definitely did NOT unsubscribe. He’s been resubscribed. What to do about the other 12? They were likely similarly forced unsubscribes but idk and maybe not. Sigh. Technology.

I cannot remember the last edition I received, I think that I have been unsubscribed too. Looking at your archive, I do not remember receiving the last two editions :/
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From partisans of Inquiry-Based Learning™, I can take ideas for inviting student knowledge. I can take activity designs that draw out of students what they already know, activity designs that activate inert knowledge and yield mental resources a teacher can use in their direct instruction.

From proponents of Direct Instruction™, I an take ideas for developing student knowledge. I can take designs for teacher instruction that respect the cognitive architecture of the brain, principles for using multimedia in learning, and the ways all of the above can help students productively re-organize their existing ideas.

See? That was easy! You can change your life right now by starting with broad, sturdy premises about learning that cut across these branded, self-limiting ideas.

Source: How to Not Waste Your Only Life Debating Direct Instruction and Inquiry-Based Learning by Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer pushes back on the debate between Direct Instruction™ or Inquiry Based Learning™ instead calling for a middle ground where you borrow the best of both worlds. This reminds me of my idea of a ‘pedagogical cocktail‘. I think that the real challenge is actually knowing what you are drinking.

Replied to My Reading Practices for Book Club Selections by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

As part of my reading process, particularly for book club related reading, I’ve lately settled on what seems to be a particularly productive method of reading for my needs.

Thank for sharing your process for reading as a part of a book club Chris.

Your first step of flicking through some reviews and the contents reminded me of a piece from The Marginalian about Bill Cosby’s strategies for reading faster, in which he talks about previewing first:

Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading like long magazine or newspaper articles, business reports, and nonfiction books.

Source: How to Read Faster: Bill Cosby’s Three Proven Strategies by Maria Popova

I am interested in your us of audiobooks. I must admit, I have really turned to audiobooks as I felt I was never going to get quality reading time to sit quietly with a book. Just wondering, when listening, do you have to be giving your whole attention, or do you listen while doing other things? For example, I have heard Cory Doctorow explain how he ‘reads’ while swimming. Personally, I like listening in my lunch breaks while pounding the city streets, but I often wonder if there is something lost in doing two things at once, especially if I have a thought and want to make a note. Really, that is my biggest challenge, actually doing something with what I read.

Bookmarked How to Read Faster: Bill Cosby’s Three Proven Strategies by Maria PopovaMaria Popova (

“Nobody gets something for nothing in the reading game.”

Bill Cosby may be best-known as the beloved personality behind his eponymous TV show, but he earned his doctorate in education and has been involved in several projects teaching the essential techniques of effective reading, including a PBS series on reading skills. In an essay unambiguously titled “How to Read Faster,” published in the same wonderful 1985 anthology How to Use the Power of the Printed Word (UKpublic library) that gave us Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 timeless rules of writing, Cosby offers his three proven strategies for reading faster.

Bill Cosby provides an interesting set of strategies associated with reading:

  1. Preview — If It’s Long and Hard
  2. Skim — If It’s Short and Simple
  3. Cluster — to Increase Speed AND Comprehension
Read A Waltz for Matilda

In 1894, twelve-year-old Matilda flees the city slums to find her unknown father and his farm.

But drought grips the land, and the shearers are on strike. Her father has turned swaggie and he’s wanted by the troopers. In front of his terrified daughter, he makes a stand against them, defiant to the last. ‘You’ll never catch me alive, said he…’

Set against a backdrop of bushfire, flood, war and jubilation, this is the story of one girl’s journey towards independence. It is also the story of others who had no vote and very little but their dreams. Drawing on the well-known poem by A.B. Paterson and from events rooted in actual history, this is the untold story behind Australia’s early years as an emerging nation.

Source: A Waltz for Matilda | Jackie French

Jackie French’s A Waltz for Matilda builds out a story of life in rural Australia based on the ballad Waltzing Matilda. It captures various facets, whether it be the role of Chinese gardeners, indigenous relations, federation, droughts, floods and fires.

A Waltz for Matilda was meant to be a short book, but it became a saga, an adventure, a tale of rags to riches. A story of indomitable women and extraordinary men, set against a sweeping background that ranges from factories where children sweated for almost no wages and rarely saw the sun, to the farms of the western plains; the Boer War; Federation; and ending as the first letters trickle home from Gallipoli. It is a love story, but not just about a girl and boy, and an old man and a woman. It is a love song to Australia. It is the story of how – and why – we became a nation. And – more than any other book – it’s a story from my heart.

Source: A Waltz for Matilda | Jackie French

One of the interesting commentaries was the impact of drought:

‘If there had been no drought there’d have been no shearers’ strike, no union. If times had been better no one would have worried about tariffs between the states or kanakas coming in to take white men’s jobs. Without all of that we’d still be a collection of states, bumbling along side by side. The drought gave us Australia.’

Source: A Waltz for Matilda by Jackie French

This reminded me of Scott Reynolds Nelson’s new book, Oceans of Grain, and the way in which nature impacts so much of life.

The style of the novel, with the joining of the dots of history reminded me of James A. Michener.

via BorrowBox


Lolita is a 1955 novel written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov written in first-person narrative. The narrator, a French literature professor who moves to New England and writes under the pseudonym Humbert Humbert, becomes infatuated with a 12 year old girl named Dolores. Privately, he calls her “Lolita”, the Spanish nickname for Dolores. The novel was originally written in English, but fear of censorship in the U.S. (where Nabokov lived) and Britain led to it being first published in Paris, France, in 1955 by Olympia Press.

Source: Lolita (Wikipedia)

As a book, I felt like I knew what Lolita was about, love of a young girl. But then again, I had no idea what sort of journey I was in for. I think that I was caught up in the myth around the book and had never considered the reality.

I was intrigued to read Lolita after Nick Cave mentioned his father reading it to him when he was a child.

‘I can still remember the things he would say where he placed an emphasis on the importance of style. Style over content. I’m the same now. I’ve always been a style-over-content man, really. It’s not so much the content that interests me as the way it is said. Anyway, when Dad first read me Lolita he was excited by the sheer use of language, not what it was about. In some respects, it’s very inappropriate to turn a twelve-year-old boy on to Lolita. It’s an adult book. But my father would say there is more benefit than harm in it.’

Source: Boy on Fire by Mark Mordue

Thinking that seemed weird, I thought I would dive in.

Personally, I was often unsure whether to laugh or cry. For on the one hand, as a character, Hubbert is just so serious at times that he seems almost absurd, but on the other hand, how can somebody laugh at rape?

Above all Lolita seems to me an assertion of the power of the comic spirit to wrest delight and truth from the most outlandish materials. It is one of the funniest serious novels I have ever read; and the vision of its abominable hero, who never deludes or excuses himself, brings into grotesque relief the cant, the vulgarity, and the hypocritical conventions that pervade the human comedy.

Source: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov – Review from September 1958 by Charles J. Rolo

The first time I read Lolita I thought it was one of the funniest books I’d ever come on. (This was the abbreviated version published in the Anchor Review last year.) The second time I read it, uncut, I thought it was one of the saddest. I mention this personal reaction only because Lolita is one of those occasional books which arrive swishing behind them a long tail of opinion and reputation which can knock the unwary reader off his feet.

Source: The Tragedy of Man Driven by Desire by Elizabeth Janeway

With scarifying wit and masterly descriptive power, he excoriates the materialist monstrosities of our civilization – from progressive education to motel architecture, and back again through the middle-brow culture racket to the incredible vulgarity and moral nihilism in which our children of all classes are raised, and on to psychoanalysis and the literary scene. He stamps indelibly on every page of his book the revulsion and disgust with which he is inspired, by loathsomely dwelling upon a loathsome plot: a detailed unfolding of the long-continued captivity and sexual abuse of a 12-year-old girl. To drive home the macabre grotesquerie of what he sees about him, he climaxes the novel with a murder that is at the same time horrible and ridiculous, poised between Grand Guignol and Punch & Judy.

Source: A Lance Into Cotton Wool by Frank S. Meyer

I was left thinking about Elizabeth Janeway’s argument that, “Humbert is all of us.”

In the first place, its illicit nature will both shock the reader into paying attention and prevent sentimentally false sympathy from distorting his judgment. Contrariwise, I believe, Mr. Nabokov is slyly exploiting the American emphasis on the attraction of youth and the importance devoted to the ‘teen-ager’ in order to promote an unconscious identification with Humbert’s agonies. Both techniques are entirely valid. But neither, I hope, will obscure the purpose of the device: namely, to underline the essential, inefficient, painstaking and pain-giving selfishness of all passion, all greed—of all urges, whatever they may be, that insist on being satisfied without regard to the effect their satisfaction has upon the outside world. Humbert is all of us.

Source: The Tragedy of Man Driven by Desire by Elizabeth Janeway

One of the strange things about the book is how it oddly manages to grip you as a reader.

The shocking subject matter, gleefully punning unreliable narrator, and Nabokov’s spellbinding sentence-level prowess combined to create a book as repulsive as it was inviting—comic and horrific and utterly absorbing.

Source: Sick, Scandalous, Spectacular: The First Reviews of Lolita

There is a lot said about the language (this is why Nick Cave was introduced to the novel), but I was also caught up in the cinematic nature of the novel and the way that it captures the world.

I remember reading that Thomas Pynchon went to the same university where Vladimir Nabokov taught and never really understood why that was so important until I read Lolita. There is something about blurring the line in both writers.

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Source: Deliver podcasts using an RSS feed

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