I had never seen Videodrome. It felt like a film that leaves many questions. It made me want to dig back into Deleuze and the body without organs.

The concept of the body without organs was mainly defined by Deleuze and Guattari in the two volumes of their work Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus.[11] In both books, the abstract body is defined as a self-regulating processβ€”created by the relation between an abstract machine and a machinic assemblage “Assemblage (philosophy)”)β€”that maintains itself through processes of homeostasis and simultaneously limits the possible activities of its constituent parts, or organs.[12] The body without organs is the sum total intensive and affective activity of the full potential for the body and its constituent parts.[13]

Source: Body Without Organs by Wikipedia

α”₯ “Jim Groom” in AI106: Long Live the New Flesh | bavatuesdays ()
Epic History TV’s guide to building the perfect castle is useful in that it capture many of the different variables. So often guides in textbooks will provide an ideal that does not exist. This video provides various examples to help illustrate the different models.

α”₯ ” Jason Kottke” in How to Build the Perfect Medieval Castle ()
In association with the release of a Young Readers Edition of Permanent Record, Edward Snowden speaks with Cory Doctorow. One of the points to stand out was the importance of curiosity.

I say wait and take your shot when it counts right. I worked for the government and for many years I didn’t question what I was doing, I didn’t see anything that was truly meaningfully wrong. Over time, I encountered more and more rough edges on the system, more things that made me raise my eyebrow. I began to look and the more I looked the more I found, the more I found the more it affected me and eventually ultimately it changed me. I think that openness to inquiry is the most essential part, because we’re taught myths everywhere – Edward Snowden

It was interesting thinking about this alongside Tim Harford’s discussion of being curious when it comes to data.

α”₯ “Cory Doctorow” in Pluralistic: 19 Feb 2021 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow ()
Mark Ronson discusses DJing, producing and the creation of Uptown Special. I did not realise how many layers was involved in creating the album, whether it be the working with Michael Chabon to develop the lyrics or finding raw soul artist Keyone Starr Ronson also explained the intent behind his album Versions, that is to create versions of songs to include within DJ sets.

The great thing about creating is there is no such thing as a negative detour.
In this creativity tip, Amy Burvall talks about the idea of doing enough to feel that you have played a part in the process. This is called the ‘IKEA Effect’s, after the company that has made its name supporting people in the construction of flatpacked creations.

The IKEA effect is a cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created.source

For me, this is what makes the #IndieWeb (and DoOO) special. It provides the tools and techniques to make and manage your own creations on the web, without starting from scratch.

How is it that its not necessarily [technologies] intentions, but the structuring configuration that causes the pain

danah boyd continues her investigation of algorithms and the way in which our data is being manipulated. This is very much a wicked problem with no clear answer. Data & Society have also published a primer on the topic. I wonder if it starts by being aware of the systemic nature of it all? Alternatively, Jamie Williams and Lena Gunn provide five questions to consider when using algorithms.

via Jenny Mackness and Ian O’Byrne.