It is understandable that teachers may be using AI in the preparation of materials, and to automate-away administrative tasks under current conditions. But the risks of automated austerity schooling — eroding pedogagic autonomy, garbling information, privacy and data protection threats, enhancing classroom surveillance, and far more — remain significant and underaddressed. Letting AI in unobstructed now will likely lead to layering further automation on to pedagogic and administrative practices, and locking in schools to technological processes that will be hard and costly to undo.
Rather than seeing AI as a public problem that requires deliberation and democratic oversight, it is now being pushed as a magical public-private partnership solution, while both old problems with school structures and the many new problems AI raises in public service provision remain neglected. The DfE’s AI content store project is a first concrete sign of the solutionism that looks set to characterize automated austerity schooling in England under the new government.
Source: Automated%20austerity%20schooling by Ben Williamson