Replied to

Massive congratulations once again Ian. I look forward to reading it in its entirety.
Replied to Emoji Avatars for My Website by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (

My previous avatar was almost 3 years old, and I was getting tired of it. I decided to replace my avatar on my website for my IndieWebCamp Austin hack day project. But if you know me, you know I can’t do anything the easy way. For my hack day project I made the avatar on each post in my website chan…

I love what emojis can provide, especially in regards to differentiating between post kinds. However, your human emoji avatars takes it to a whole new level. Love it!
Liked Foldable displays are going to make the future pretty amazing by Doug Belshaw (Thought Shrapnel)

Of course, foldable displays won’t be limited to devices we carry in our pockets. We’re going to see them pretty much everywhere — round our wrists, as part of our clothes, and eventually as ‘wallpaper’ in our houses. Eventually there won’t be a surface on the planet that won’t also potentially be a screen.

Liked Artists against Article 13: when Big Tech and Big Content make a meal of creators, it doesn’t matter who gets the bigger piece,Artists against Article 13: when Big Tech and Big Content make a meal of creators, it doesn’t matter who gets the bigger piece by Cory Doctorow (Boing Boing,)

Artists against Article 13: when Big Tech and Big Content make a meal of creators, it doesn’t matter who gets the bigger piece,Article 13 is the on-again/off-again controversial proposal to make virtually every online community, service, and platform legally liable for any infringing material posted by their users, even ve…

Listened Better baking through chemistry The food fight that changed the US constitution by Jeremy Cherfas from
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Linda Civitello is a food historian whose latest book is Baking Powder Wars: the cutthr…

Jeremy Cherfas continues his investigation into baking and bread with this investigation into baking powder. He speaks with food historian Linda Civitello about her latest book Baking Powder Wars: the cutthroat food fight that revolutionized cooking.
Replied to Too Long; Didn’t Read #186 (TLDR)

I posted a couple of other things this week:

I keep on forgetting to check your YouTube videos. Wondering if you have a feed for all your bits? Podcasts, vlogs, blogs etc? I guess that is one of the reasons why to subscribe to your newsletter.
Liked by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (

If you are an educator and you are now trapped in the @wix silo unable to take your website elsewhere find an #IndieWeb friend to help you rebuild your site. Websites get written in HTML and you should be able to take them anywhere. What @wix is doing is bad for web

Bookmarked Rankin Photography on Instagram: “For my latest series, Selfie Harm 🤳 I photographed teenagers & handed them the image to then edit & filter until they felt the image was…” (Instagram)
This before and after exercise helps highlights the challenges associated with images and identity in the digital age.

via Jeremy Cherfas

Bookmarked Are we on the road to civilisation collapse? (

Studying the demise of historic civilisations can tell us about the risk we face today, says collapse expert Luke Kemp. Worryingly, the signs are worsening.

In an article a part of a new BBC Future series about the long view of humanity, Luke Kemp unpacks the historical reasons that have contributed to the fall of past empires. These reasons include climate change, inequality, increasing complexity and demand on the environment. Although Kemp suggests there are reasons to be optimistic, he also warns that the connected nature of today’s civilization has made for a rungless ladder where any fall has the potential to be fatal.


Think of civilisation as a poorly-built ladder. As you climb, each step that you used falls away. A fall from a height of just a few rungs is fine. Yet the higher you climb, the larger the fall. Eventually, once you reach a sufficient height, any drop from the ladder is fatal.

With the proliferation of nuclear weapons, we may have already reached this point of civilisational “terminal velocity”. Any collapse – any fall from the ladder – risks being permanent. Nuclear war in itself could result in an existential risk: either the extinction of our species, or a permanent catapult back to the Stone Age.

Replied to What to say when there’s nothing to say (Austin Kleon’s Weekly Newsletter)

OK, friends. Thanks for reading. Next week I go into full Book Promotion Mode with the new one. If you like this newsletter and want it to keep going, pre-order Keep Going online or at your favorite indie bookstore, and save your receipt because we’re announcing an awesome pre-order gift next week. (The reviews on Goodreads so far are better than good and my 6-year-old was quite pleased by the nice comments about his book trailer.)

Not sure I completely get how the book industry works, but have pre-ordered Keep Going in the belief that this makes a difference to production numbers.
Bookmarked All the Bad Things About Uber and Lyft In One Simple List by Angie Schmitt (

The report in the Daily Bruin revealed anew that Uber, Lyft, Via and the like are massively increasing car trips in many of the most walkable and transit friendly places in U.S.

It comes after a raft of recent studies have found negative effects from Uber and Lyft, such as increased congestion, higher traffic fatalities, huge declines in transit ridership and other negative impacts. It’s becoming more and more clear that Uber and Lyft having some pretty pernicious effects on public health and the environment, especially in some of the country’s largest cities.

Angie Schmitt compiles a number of negative effects associated with Uber and Lyft. They include an increase in driving, predominantly operating in transit-friendly areas, often replacing biking and walking, hurting transit and hoarding data.

It is interesting to consider this disruptive innovation alongside a wider discussion of the future of public transport.

Bookmarked Retro-Tinged Game Controllers: BX Foundry’s Handmade Joysticks (Tedium: The Dull Side of the Internet.)

From the arcades to the living room, how the controller has evolved—and why one tech historian, Benj Edwards, started building his own.

This look at the game controller is a useful look at the development of hardware over time that has become a part of the Digital Technologies Curriculum. Personally, I remember beginning with a toggle associated with our Apple IIe.
Replied to What is the Value of OLDaily? by Stephen Downes (

But in 2019 there’s no community that encompasses all of these things. Indeed, each one of these topics has not only blossomed its own community, but each one of these communities is at least as complex as the entire field of education technology was some twenty years ago. It’s not simply that change is exponential or that change is moving more and more rapidly, it’s that change is combinatorial – with each generation, the piece that was previously simple gets more and more complex.

This is an interesting reflection on the development of a blog over time. For me, it highlights the role of connections with community and the other) voices. When I think about my own work I can’t help but be influenced by the work that I am engaged in. As much as I would like to think that I am covering ‘learning and teaching’ in my newsletter. However, it cannot help but be learning and teaching based on my current experiences and perceptions.
Listened Cheat Sheet: J Dilla, a playlist by Okayplayer on Spotify from Spotify

Dig deep into J Dilla’s sample archive with this 28-hour-long playlist.

For more on J Dilla and his legacy read Tim Carmody’s celebration of what would be his 45th birthday, also Vox produced a documentary looking at J Dilla’s influnce on music through the use of the MPC.

via Austin Kleon

Bookmarked CERN 2019 WorldWideWeb Rebuild (

In February 2019, in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the development of WorldWideWeb, a group of developers and designers convened at CERN to rebuild the original browser within a contemporary browser, allowing users around the world to experience the rather humble origins of this transformative technology.

A team of programmers gathered together at CERN to celebrate 30 years of the web. This involved getting the first browser working again. You can see a breakdown of this here.

via Jeremy Keith