Tag: WordPress Plugins
I like Timeline JS. It’s a nice way to create multimedia timelines. I’d previously done some work that would take WordPress JSON API data and insert it into the Timeline JS view.1 It was nice for creating alternate and standardized views of blogs that might be useful for different reasons. It didn’t serve some other needs and while doing it through a generic URL was handy for many reasons it was odd in other scenarios. As a result I decided to make a new version as a plugin. If you don’t like reading stuff there’s a quick video of how it works below.
I am sure I just need to spend some more time down this rabbit hole, but right now I have hit the limit to my knowledge.
Adds extra feed links to a page based on tags, taxonomy, and author. – dshanske/extra-links
For individual posts, the Extra Feeds plugin will add code into the
of one’s page to provide feed readers that have built-in discovery mechanisms the ability to find the additional feeds provided by WordPress for all the tags, categories, and other custom taxonomies that appear on any given page.
A plugin to play around with default IndieWeb plugin decisions. – jeremyfelt/jeremyfelt-indieweb-custom
“Who ya gonna call?” “CODEBUSTERS” No. But the metaphor of Ghostbusters crossing the streams was inversely appropriate to a little bit of code action over the holidays (of w…
The Form/Sheet architecture is more dynamic than you may think, once you crack open the lid on Google Scripts. I’ve long seen the creative things Martin Hawksey and Tom Woodward (and plenty o…
Also on: Read Write Collect
It seems like everyone and their dog has an email newsletter these days. If you go back and check the last 10 sites you visited, I bet at least half of them have a newsletter.
Is that a bad thing? No way! While all the optin forms and pop-ups you come across online can be overwhelming, there are se…
It has been a long while since a major release of webmentions, and it is not the end of the plans we have. It is merely the first step. In the lastest version, several useful features were added.