Replied to (

I know that I’ve moved away from listening to the radio to listening to podcasts and audio books during commutes and longer drives, I wonder what people will use this time for in the future? Will work start when you enter your self-driving car rather than when you arrive at work? What will the commuting experience look like?

David, I too have taken to listening to podcasts and books during my commutes, however I am intrigued about what happens during long trips when you are not necessarily alone? Podcasts can be rather personal, do you drive with earbuds or share with everyone else on the trip?
Replied to What happens when you steadily ramp up the speed at which you listen to podcasts (Boing Boing)

Human speech averages 150 words/minute, but human thoughts run more like 400 words per minute. Steve Rousseau decided to try “podfasting” (listening to podcasts at faster-than-normal sp…

Cory Doctorow builds on Hannah Reich’s discussion. The only time I listen at 3x is when I am trying to find something within a podcast that I have a vague memory of, but cannot remember exactly where it was.
Bookmarked Audiobooks or Reading? To Our Brains, It Doesn’t Matter – D-brief (D-brief)

The most recent study, which compared brains when they were listening and reading, showed that words tend to activate the same brain regions with the same intensity, regardless of input.

It was a finding that surprised Fatma Deniz, a postdoctoral researcher at the Gallant Lab and lead author of the study. The subject’s brains were creating meaning from the words in the same way, regardless if they were listening or reading. In fact, the brain maps for both auditory and visual input they created from the data looked nearly identical.

Jennifer Walter finds that listening to a book is just as productive as reading a book. I wonder if what matters more is the context of reading or listening more than the mode itself? Stephen Downes suggests that much of the finding in this report are left to interpretation.

via Ian O’Byrne

Replied to Commute Time = Reading Time (Daily-Ink & Pair-a-dimes un-post-ed)

Thanks to audio books, my commute time is actually enjoyable learning time. I find myself wishing I had a slightly longer commute to work… how do you use your commute time?

In addition to Audible, I listen to books without narration via the accessibility settings and articles via Pocket.
Bookmarked A New Approach for Listening by Maha Bali (

I am not into frameworks so these are just suggestions for an approach to listening. It may not be rocket science but these are my thoughts…it starts with recognizing that our listening is limited by what we hear (how widely we are exposed to diverse ideas and how deeply we interact with them) and also how we hear (how open we are, how aware of our own biases and where others are coming from) and how we notice what we don’t hear (silence, between lines).

Maha Bali reflects on the different approaches to listening, including widely, deeply, openly, repeatedly, outside, inside, to silence, between the lines and to take action. On the flip side, Bali warns about lip service listening.
Liked Close listening by Austin Kleon (

Though I didn’t become a professional musician or producer or recording engineer, I like to think that this kind of exercise — studying something you love in depth — is valuable no matter what the field or the genre. The results don’t matter. When you study something so closely, in so much depth, you learn what it is to really pay attention. And paying attention is the art that builds a more meaningful and creative life.

Listened Listening and responding from Radio National

So if I were to give a down and dirty, so to speak, over what an effective listener is, it would be somebody that takes a step back, that allows the other to speak, that gives their full attention, that hears the message with their ears, with their heart, with their mind, with their emotional intelligence, that suspends judgement and makes a connection with the other individual

An interesting conversation on listening, lurking, reflecting and just being there.
Replied to Too Long; Didn’t Read #156 (W. Ian O’Byrne)

I frequently find myself at the keyboard on my computer or mobile device and ready to fire off a rant, or targeted message. Yet, I find myself stopping, pausing, and deleting. I’ve recently thought about that as a sign of weakness. But, perhaps Sherri is pointing me (us) in a better direction.

I find myself being much more mindful of what I wrote when it is published from my own space. It feels less like a rental car where you care little about the various pops and clangs and more like a lease where you have more accountability for it. Is this listening or resistance or both, not sure, but it definitely feels more meaningful.
Bookmarked How to Find New Music You’ll Actually Like (Lifehacker)

Some people can dig up great music like magic, or have friends inside the industry who keep them updated. Some people are contented with their weekly Spotify Discover playlist. But if you need more ways to find music, here are 50 ideas, taken from Twitter users, my colleagues at Lifehacker’s publisher Gizmodo Media Group, and some of my own habits. Some are obvious, some bizarre, some embarrassing, but they’ve all helped people find their new favorite song, or even their favorite band.

Nick Douglas collects together a number of suggestions for finding new music. Whether it be best lists or review sites, there are a number of entry points provided. Some not mentioned include La Blogothèque’s, Take Away Shows and other live performances, as well as Deep Cuts guides and reviews.