This mash-up of Closer and I Can’t Go for That led me down a bit of rabbit hole in regards to mash-ups on YouTube. I remember being encapsulated by 2 Many DJs and Girl Talk, however it feels like technology has made this more and more possible these days.

α”₯ “Jason Kottke “ in Hall & Oates Γ— Nine Inch Nails ()

Bookmarked Stem Mixer – Courtney Barnett (

Official interactive stem mixer site for Courtney Barnett’s new album Things Take Time, Take Time. Album out November 12th.

Courtney Barnett has shared her new tracks as eight stems for listener to mix as they listen.

For me, this is the future of music, audio track recognition that allows users to engage with music in their own way. Personally, I stripped it back to drum and bass. It created for a whole different feel and better allowed me to appreciate Barnett’s lyrics.

Replied to UMaster – Snakes and Ladders (
Alan, I enjoyed your thoughts about music and mastering. It reminded me of something I wondered a few years ago:

Often when asked about predictions for the future, I wonder if there will come a time when we can quickly and easily remix music, leaving our own mark. To me, this would need some sort of audio track recognition. I wonder though whether at the same time that such technology becomes available, whether copyright will simply hold us back.

Leaves me thinking that this would probably completely change the way music is recorded in the first place? For example, not sure how Jacob Collier’s hundreds of tracks would be translated into a cleaner UI?

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Replied to This ‘BBQ Beer Freedom’ Meme Is Sending Us Right Now by Matt Moen (PAPER)

Experimental electronic artist, Holly Herndon, put an autotuned spin on the unhinged rant that has the internet in stitches.

I really enjoyed this remix:

Along with the Daft Punk version of Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV, this election has produced some creative responses.

Liked Copying is the way design works (

I don’t fancy myself to be the van Gogh of design, to be anywhere on the level of Stallman or Carmack in my approach to copying, possessing even one-one-hundredth of Steve Jobs’ ability to steal artfully, or to be in any way comparable to Charles or Ray Eames. But I can certainly copy all of their work. I can copy their mindset, their process, and their designs.

I can make cheap, small-scale facsimiles, fangzhipin, to demonstrate some quality of the original. I can make exact replicas, pixel-perfect fuzhipin, to learn how the originals and their creators work. Or I can create shanzhai, unsolicited redesigns, commenting and riffing on the work of others. All these copies have an important role to play in the process of design.

Bookmarked Chapter Books Rewritten to Reflect the Catastrophic Effects of Climate Change by Charlie Dektar (The New Yorker)

Charlie Dektar offers up satirical versions of children’s chapter books like β€œHarry Potter” and β€œCharlie and the Chocolate Factory,” adapted for the age of climate catastrophe.

Charlie Dektar rewrites some classic texts in light of the current pandemic. My two favourites where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:

Augustus Gloop is an awful child,
Whom we would normally body-shame through song,
But what we’re more concerned about
Is land degradation and desertification,
Which led to the collapse of global supply chains
And drove Willy Wonka out of business,
Leading to our acquisition by Amazon,
Which renamed us β€œAmazon Sugars”
And only lets us make hard, salty nut rolls,
So enjoy the rest of your tour, led by Jeff Bezos,
I’m sure that it will be a lot of β€œfun,”

And Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe:

Once, there were four children, named Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. They were all consumed by a plague of ancient diseases unleashed from the melting Siberian permafrost.

The end.

They go with some of the other literary responses associated with COVID-19.

Bookmarked Late Night Isn’t Impressed with Trump’s Cognitive Dissonance by Trish Bendix (

β€œIt was impressive until they asked Trump what he ate for lunch that day and he said, β€˜Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV,’” Jimmy Fallon joked after the president once again bragged about his cognitive test results.

I really enjoyed this summary of responses from Colbert and Fallon. However, my favourite response was the remix to Daft Punk’s Harder Faster Better Stronger:

Oh, and there is always Sarah Cooper:

Replied to

Here is my contribution to #tdc3026 I call it Meg Lee, a combination of The Meg and Johnny L’s cover of Ben Lee’s song We’re All in This Together

Replied to Glitch, Remix, a #NetNarr Exquisite Corpse (CogDogBlog)

There you go, try guess the nature of this blog post from a word heavy vague title. Better yet, just go first and try the thing I will be β€˜splaining right here. Well, are you back? Did anythi…

I always love how you unpack your projects Alan. The story game is another great introduction to Glitch as a replacement for Mozilla Thimble.