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Ben, I love the use of grouping columns, but found it problematic when sharing a Google Sheet as it is not unique to the user.
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We recently purchased an air fryer and have not looked back. Soak the potatoes in water before.  Can do spuds, wedges, fries … all awesome.
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We spent some time around Albury over the weekend. It was fascinating to see so much water. It was a contrast to the river I experienced while living in Swan Hill a few years ago when it was quite low.
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Sorry I am late to the party, but someone lovely I know spoke about starting their writing journey at a young age. I cannot be certain, one never can, but pretty sure it has spurred Ms6 to start writing her own stories in Book Creator.
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Andrea, Adam Grant’s discussion of care and ‘feeling joy of progress’ reminds me of Dave Cormier’s post about ‘care’ as learning’s first principle.

Once we jointly answer questions like “why would people care about this” and “how does this support people starting to care about this for the first time” and “will this stop people who care now from caring”, we have a place to work from.

I’m in this business because i think i might be able to help, here and there, with trying to build a culture of thinkers.

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Richard, can’t help but be reminded of what we discussed all those years ago

I really love the idea of a space/platform where people add their own pieces and it grows over time, not exactly sure what that is though.

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Not sure about Excel, but pretty confident I could do it with Google Sheets using QUERY formula. Are the datasets public on the web?
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Ekkk, lucky I didn’t go to primary school with you, might wreck all those literary Aaron’s out there.
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Naomi, I recently read Clinton Walker’s Stranded, unpacking the Australian music scene between 1972 – 1992. I kind of knew/guessed it was wild, but not sure I really appreciated how wild it was and all so very male. Can only imagine UK was even more so.
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Deb, I dived back into my archive and found the following:

Just not sure when ‘post’-COVID begins?

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I’m glad I am not the only one Oliver. I have built some many workflows, whether it be custom HTML buttons and my use of Quotebacks. Yes, I could do this with blocks, but I don’t need to.
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I’m a yes to more blogs. I always value your thoughts and perspective in or out of the classroom.
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Good luck for the future Deb. I will always treasure our experiences with the Melton Network and the ATC21s project.
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I started reading Proust, only to find that I was unable to purchase Within a Budding Grove with credits. I assume that there is no workaround for this?
Liked Helping doctoral students understand PhD thesis examination expectations: A framework and a tool for supervision: by Write That PhD (SAGE Journals)

The examination of a PhD thesis marks an important stage in the PhD student journey. Here, the student’s research, thinking and writing are assessed by experts in their field. Yet, in the early stages of candidature, students often do not know what is expected of their thesis, nor what examiners will scrutinise and comment on. However, what examiners look for, expect and comment on has been the subject of recent research. This article synthesises the literature on examiner expectations into a framework and tool that can assist students to understand PhD thesis examination expectations. Suggestions of how this tool may be used as part of a broader supervision pedagogy are offered.