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Once we jointly answer questions like “why would people care about this” and “how does this support people starting to care about this for the first time” and “will this stop people who care now from caring”, we have a place to work from.
I’m in this business because i think i might be able to help, here and there, with trying to build a culture of thinkers.
I really love the idea of a space/platform where people add their own pieces and it grows over time, not exactly sure what that is though.
- COVID 19 – School Leadership in Disruptive Times by Alma Harris and Michelle Jones
- by Peter Hutton
- by Peter DeWitt
- by Catherine Drane, Lynette Vernon and Sarah O’Shea
- by Alec Couros and Katia Hildebrandt
- by Kath Murdoch
Just not sure when ‘post’-COVID begins?
Thread by @mathesonrussell: I teach an undergrad course at the University of Auckland on power. For those interested, here’s a rundown of what’s in it and the core readings for students. 🧵 Power for an individual,……
The examination of a PhD thesis marks an important stage in the PhD student journey. Here, the student’s research, thinking and writing are assessed by experts in their field. Yet, in the early stages of candidature, students often do not know what is expected of their thesis, nor what examiners will scrutinise and comment on. However, what examiners look for, expect and comment on has been the subject of recent research. This article synthesises the literature on examiner expectations into a framework and tool that can assist students to understand PhD thesis examination expectations. Suggestions of how this tool may be used as part of a broader supervision pedagogy are offered.