πŸ“° Read Write Respond #059

Cover for November's newsletter of ideas and information associated with all things education, mined and curated for me and shared with you.
Welcome back for another month.

Victoria started to see the other side of lockdown. However, even with all the donut days, it still feels weird to step out and see people be half-hearted about masks and social distancing. Confidence takes time. I think that Tyson Shine captures this best with in reflection on travelling interstate. Having said all that, it was nice to catch up with family and friends again, as well as get my haircut for the first time in six months.

Personally, I continued immersing myself in the worlds of Marcus Yallow and Masha Maximow carved out by Cory Doctorow in his new novel Surface Attack. In addition to this, I enjoyed Katie Miller-Heidke’s new album. In regards to my writing, I reflected on the magic of technology, as well as the new normal beyond the classroom.

Beyond that, here is what had me reading and responding:


Learning Strategies

Could a Peasant defeat a Knight in Battle?

Designing school when students have the Teacher’s Copy

Little Yarns

Verse by Verse


Facebook, QAnon and the world’s slackening grip on reality

Google Photos β€” Bait Meet Switch

The Substackerati

Webring History: Social Media Before Social Media

School Library Websites: Essential Features And Examples


The Rise and Fall of Getting Things Done

From MP3 to vinyl β€” listening to music in the 21st century

The opal fossils that changed a miner’s life and introduced a new species from Australia’s deep past

Vale Sizzler: the cheese toast king couldn’t keep up with dining trends

Read Write Respond #059

So that was November for me, how about you? As always, love to hear.
Bryan Mathers' sketch
Cover Image via Willis Lam

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