Bookmarked Herb Quine Interviews Herb Quine (Kicks Condor)

Some time ago, I had a reader send me a very curious e-mail. It was an interview that they had conducted. In fact, they had interviewed themself! At first, this was very puzzling.[1] But, on some reflection, I realized what a gift this was! I don’t like my part of the interview very well anyway. This is the answer!

Kicks Condor shares an interview featuring Herb Quine interviewing himself. This is an intriguing exercise as it provides different perspectives from the one person. Something similar to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.

This is an insightful exercise. Alongside #DigiWriMo alternative CV, Doug Belshaw’s letter to the past and Seth Godin’s letter to the future, these prompts offer a range of approaches for unpacking our sense of identity.

Replied to Desperate Pleas for Nothing (Kicks Condor)

How the interview works is – someone e-mails me a desperate plea to contribute to my blog – in a voice that almost reads like an automated marketing e-mail.

I then reply that, no, they are not desperate – I am the desperate one. I truly want to interview them![1] And I attach my questions right there – to make it easy for them.

At that point, inexplicably, I never hear from them again.

Thought provoking as always Kicks. I really enjoy Alan Levine’s treatment, but you take it to a whole new creative level.
Replied to Gardens and Streams (Kicks Condor)

I like Chris’ point about Stonehenge being the first wiki. It’s not that it’s a kind of left-field observation. I think that we understand better the work we do now by realizing that Stonehenge wasn’t just a work of art or an artifact for them – it hadn’t achieved that status while it was coming together.

Kicks, so much to think about and consider in regards to wikis and commonplace bookswikis and commonplace books. It helps in thinking I really like your point about h0p3 building towards something that is yet to be properly formalised.
Replied to Blogging Less in the 2020s (Kicks Condor)

When I think about writing online – I really just want to add something to someone’s life. To introduce them to a link, in the same way that Andy Baio introduced me to HIGH END CUSTOMIZABLE SAUNA EXPERIENCE. Or to write something they enjoy, just as Nadia Eghbal did with “The Tyranny of Ideas” – an essay I keep coming back to. Or maybe I meet them and can’t even sum it up with a single link, as with h0p3 (at who I just like to converse with and keep up with throughout my week.

In this way, I feel successful. I might get a nice e-mail from someone. Or I might hear from someone I linked to, saying, “Hey, I had a few people find me through you.” Or I might just not know at all – most people just read and move on, which is totally understandable. And it might be several years later that they say thanks in some blog post that I stumble across.

Personally, I post when I get the chance. I am therefore probably failing.

I do try and complete something of a monthly review, but even that could be more regular.

Bookmarked Fraidycat (

Fraidycat is a browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. (Just those right now – it’s brand-new, quite experimental.) I use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose – Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki.

Along with other applications like Granary, Aperture and Indigenous, Fraidycat offers a different way of consuming the web. I just wonder about the possibility of adding OPML files, rather than links one at a time.

David Yates sums it up as follows:

Fraidycat produces no notifications, applies no machine learning to your subscriptions to recommend content you might like, and doesn’t gamify your actions or track you. You choose who to follow and how to follow, and the app does nothing outside of that. Fraidycat is the best RSS reader I’ve ever used because of what it leaves out.

While Clive Thompson suggests that the mental ergonomics offers an alternative for our algorithmicized age:

Fraidycat is a tool you use, and which you have to figure out how to use in the fashion that fits your mental style.
This has, of course, the mental ergonomics the opposite of our algorithmicized age, where social-media feeds promise to make it super comfy for us — we just lean back while they do all the hard work of sorting the best stuff, which works great until miscreants game the rulesets and the feed devolves into a slurry of jittery influencers, can-you-believe-this spit-takes, conspiracybots and SkyMall-level promoted Weird Crap.

Replied to Wars of Conflicting Webs by Kicks Condor (

I’ve been wrestling with trying to get this blog hooked up to Mastodon—just out of curiosity. But I gave up. What’s the point? Anyone can use a web browser to get here. Well, yeah, I would like to communicate with everyone using their chosen home base.

I often grapple with this Kicks. I never know where to sit with the meeting people where they are compared with spamming people’s feeds.
Liked Finding Blogs in the Future by Kicks Condor (

An algorithm cannot simulate the care. Chris’ blogroll linked above is done with care – a human can plainly see that another human has taken the time to write about others. And the more time he spends designing it and improving it, the more it shows that care. People can visit my blog and see that it is built with care.

Liked Why I’m Leaving by Kicks CondorKicks Condor (

I don’t really see the difference between using FTP to pass your stuff ‘in’/‘out’ of a public_html folder and using’s API to pass your stuff ‘in’/‘out’. If you can get your stuff ‘in’ and ‘out’—isn’t that the key? The API is just a different kind of FTP.

Replied to Blogging by Kicks CondorKicks Condor (

I like that ‘blog’ has remained a non-corporatized word in many respects. A ‘blogger’ is an ‘amateur’; the ‘blogosphere’ is the peanut gallery. It is a futile endeavor—and this is all good, because it important that some of these words stay personal.

Kicks, you provide some interesting thoughts and reflections on blogging, especially in regards to the technical, as well as the different parts. I must admit I am yet to get to the Beaker Browser. Sounds intriguing.
Liked Shallow Reactions by Kicks CondorKicks Condor (

I think shallow responses are kind of nice—sometimes you don’t have time to reply fully and it can be polite to just 👍. In fact, I sometimes go back to likes and flesh out the reply. So it acts like a bookmark, an ‘ack’ and a reminder to return. That’s not too shallow?

I have found my ‘likes’ since going all IndieWeb have become much more purposeful as I really make an effort to include a quote or something that highlights why it is interesting. This is a vast contrast to my Twitter/G+ experience.
Replied to Syndicating to Twitter, by Kicks CondorKicks Condor (

I think one syndication service I’d like to see is one where I could syndicate to an e-mail digest that people could sign up to get weekly or monthly.

I really like the idea of a regular summary. One of my itches is to make an archive page that would provide a summary of all my activities for a selected month.

I could build it with Google Sheets, I should probably start there.

Replied to How Do You Find New/Interesting Blogs? by Kicks CondorKicks Condor (

Mostly, similar to what coldbrain has said, I find blogs when they are casually mentioned on a blog or comment somewhere. Stuff like blogrolls and directories and such just don’t seem to exist.

I have always found the traditional ‘list’ blogroll as limited and cumbersome. That is why I developed my own template. When I find a new author I add it to my spreadsheet.

I like this in part, but also find the workflow a little annoying. I wish it were more integrated with my site. That is what interests me about Chris Aldrich’s work.

Replied to Things We Left in the Old Web (

The trouble is that Reddit has become the Big Blog. You are welcome to post your stuff there. But it’s usually in gray and white with a little blue—so that I lose a sense of who I’m reading exactly, who they are and where they call home. Reddit isn’t keen on a link to your blog without an acceptable amount of foreplay. You’re not yourself, you’re a Redditor—ten to twelve letters with a little bit of flair, maybe a cake, maybe a gold star. Could I be so lucky.

Interesting reflections Condor. I have been wondering a while what the IndieWeb could look like in the future. A part of me likes the idea of reading and commenting on your site away from the silos. For example, I subscribe to Chris Aldrich’s #IndieWeb feed and read it via Inoreader. I guess this is my black and white with a bit of blue. The irony is that my site is grey and white with a little bit of yellow. Maybe I need more colour?