Although I still clearly work within ‘education’, a lot of my work has morphed to working behind the scenes. My title is ‘subject matter expert’, whatever that means. Really I find myself doing the work required, whether that might be. This is not the job of a ‘teacher’, but it is also not the job of the admin either. Strangely it is a continuation of what I was doing in school, but out of the classroom, whether it be timetabling, daily organization, academic reports, data management etc … These are legitimate activities with clear outcomes that need to be done, just not sure they create a very clear narrative.
Tag: Bianca Hewes
It’s so great, Shakespeare must have been super stoked with himself after writing that scene.
I wonder if that is how it works? With creative genius, is it in the creation or the fine craft of those a part of the process?
For example, I wonder if Kurt Cobain was super stoked with the opening chords of Smells Like Teen Spirit? Or it Butch Vig’s work behind the desk which gave it the punch?
In regards to writing, I remember reading a piece about Raymond Carver and the influence of his editor, Gordan Lish.
It was interesting to consider the form (never thought Sonnets as a shape poem) and the different interpretation.
P.S. That must have been a lengthy walk
It is fascinating to be able to see who cares about other people and who doesn’t, simply by looking around to see who is where a mask and who isn’t.
We need more teachers so we can reduce teaching loads and improve the lives of our teachers, and our students. We can say it’s up to individual schools to innovate in the post-COVID world, but it shouldn’t be an individual case thing – it should be a centralised decision so all teachers benefit.
The idea is that we take our excellent face-to-face teaching practice (both its diversity and structure) and modify it for the Learning From Home context. It features four types of lessons – synchronous (individual and collaborative), asynchronous individual, asynchronous device-free and asynchronous creative/collaborative which teachers can rotate through over a week or a cycle. (This is the bit Kelli McGraw helped me with – deciding which four to include!) It is not meant to be prescriptive, just a template to support planning of lessons. Teachers who choose to use it can fill in the template for the four lessons and it can be shared with students on the beginning of the week/fortnight.
I’m confident that collaborative learning will be able to continue effectively even if all students are isolated at home due to school closures. Why? Well, if schools are serious about project work, they will have created a culture in our schools where students and teachers value the work as reflecting that which is done in the non-school world (in industry projects, and in our personal lives like planning birthday parties). Despite many businesses already moving to working from home, many projects continue to move forward. I have no doubt that the project work already started at my school will continue when schools are finally closed.
- We have established and will maintain a structured approach to all projects.
- Online resources are organised according to our discover, create, share model.
- Our students care about the work they are doing, so they’ll keep doing it.
- Allocation of individual responsibilities within teams.
- Following the learning calendar already established at the beginning of the project.
One of my concerns with moving online is the fear that students will not have meaningful opportunities to engage with each other. I therefore wonder if team based learning is even more important in times of isolation.
In addition to Bianca and Lee’s work, Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy have shared a step-by-step guide to project based learning in a virtual world.