Replied to Self Sustaining Spam Stopper by Jeremy Felt (

What’s really funny to me is that this is a simple honeypot with a couple lines of JavaScript that wait a second before clearing one of the prefilled form values.

If a bot is using wp-comment-post.php to submit the comment without checking form field names first, which most are, it fails.

If a bot grabs the HTML, looks for a form, and submits it in under 1.5 seconds, which most others seem to do, it fails.

If a bot actually loads a full browser session and waits for JavaScript to load, it passes. Luckily, not many bots do that!

Jeremy, I have installed Self-Sustaining Spam Stopper on my site. I will let you know if I find anything odd.
Replied to A checklist for how I’d like comments to work in WordPress by Jeremy Felt (

In current WordPress, the only way for a comment to remain private is for it to stay in an “unapproved” status. It would be nice if comments could flow more easily between unapproved, private, and public.


  • When someone leaves a comment, an option is available to submit the comment as private so that only the post author will see it.
  • When a post author moderates a comment, an option is available to make it private.
  • A post author has the ability to privately reply to a public or private comment within the WordPress admin.
Jeremy, I really like the idea of private comments. I guess this is a part of the wider discussion around private posts.
Liked How to read ebooks purchased from Kobo on a Kindle by Jeremy Felt (

Download and install Adobe Digital Editions.
Download and install Calibre, an open source ebook manager.
Download and extract the latest ZIP release of DeDRM_tools.
Open Calibre, open its preferences, and navigate to “Plugin” under “Advanced.
Use “Load plugin from file” to add the file from its respective directory in the extracted DeDRM folder.
Use “Load plugin from file” to add the file from its respective directory in the extracted DeDRM folder.
Restart Calibre before loading any books.

Replied to Working through displaying Webmentions by Jeremy Felt (

I created a plugin specifically for my adjustments to the IndieWebWebmention, and Semantic Linkbacks plugins. There are a couple scripts and styles I decided I didn’t need as well as a custom comment walker I decided to remove.

I am really enjoying your working out loud Jeremy. It has me thinking about what some of the changes I could make to my site. In particular, I would rather show the name of the post for a mention, rather than which site the post in question was mentioned on.
Replied to Quirky content considerations in RSS feeds by Jeremy Felt (

Another goofy example is emojis. WordPress provides full support for the capture and storage of emojis as well as a compatibility layer using the Twemoji project. This layer replaces raw emojis in content with hosted images on The pizza emoji becomes this in the feed.

Jeremy, I was reading your discussion of Emojis and wondering what you process was to implement Tweoji exactly? I have tried in vain to implement :shortcode: rather than depend upon copying or inserting images. I know Chris Beckstrom has achieved this, however I did not have so much luck.
Replied to Working through “How to blog?” by Jeremy Felt (

There’s probably a level to this where I need to figure out what’s best for my workflow while also finding something that I would like to be engaged with. Maybe I just need to start tossing things around and talking about how they connect.

Jeremy, I actually use Trello to compile my posts. I have written more about my actual workflow here. I am still unhappy with this, but have not managed to come up with anything better that works across both mobile and desktop.