Bookmarked Introducing PootleWriter: Your Friction-Free WordPress Writing Companion by Jamie MarslandJamie Marsland (

Say goodbye to cumbersome writing tools and hello to PootleWriter – the revolutionary writing app that puts simplicity and speed at your fingertips.

Unlike AI-powered alternatives, PootleWriter is a human-designed solution that prioritizes your writing experience.

Source: Introducing PootleWriter: Your Friction-Free WordPress Writing Companion – Pootlepress

I have tinkered with some Micropub clients in the past, including Indiepass (was Indigenous) and Monocle, however I always found that they did not match how I write on my site.

Replied to by john john (

Montage of coverts of 7 books in a strip: Demon Copperhead Hungry Ghosts The Apparition Phase The Secret History The Seven Moons Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow You Have a Friend in 10A
According to my Books page, I read 43 books last year, three less than the year before year. A list of 5 star books (weight by my enjoyment, pretty vague) using the lovely display posts plugin. Read Demon CopperheadRead: Hungry GhostsRead: You Have a Friend in 10ARead: The Apparition PhaseRead: The Secret HistoryRead: The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

Happy new year John. Is Display Posts a combination of ShortCode and code snippets added to your theme or just ShortCode? Also, is you books page created using Display Posts too?
Replied to semantic-linkbacks by Matthias Pfefferle (

“Semantic-Linkbacks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

Wordfence told me that there was issues with semantic-linkbacks, so I disconnected it after seeing that Matthias Pfefferle had archived the app. However, I agree with Khürt Williams, it made my site “feel like an 8-track cassette player.” So I am reactivating it. I guess we will see.
Bookmarked WordPress Timeline JS Plugin by Tom Woodward (

I like Timeline JS. It’s a nice way to create multimedia timelines. I’d previously done some work that would take WordPress JSON API data and insert it into the Timeline JS view.1 It was nice for creating alternate and standardized views of blogs that might be useful for different reasons. It didn’t serve some other needs and while doing it through a generic URL was handy for many reasons it was odd in other scenarios. As a result I decided to make a new version as a plugin. If you don’t like reading stuff there’s a quick video of how it works below.

I finally got around to trying Tom Woodward’s plugin to displays posts using Timeline JS. My timeline can be found here. I am also intrigued by the different ways of representing data within WordPress.
Replied to What, Why, and How-To’s of Creating a Site-Specific WordPress Plugin (WPBeginner)

Step by step guide that explains what is a site specific WordPress plugin, why you need it, and how you can create a site-specific WordPress plugin.

I have started tinkering with creating my own site specific plugin to capture things like improved search to include custom fields and stripping out emojis from the slug. This was somewhat inspired by Chris Aldrich and his changes to the Post Kinds plugin. I am also assuming that it is required to add additional kinds. Where I am stumped is the actual difference between dumping these changes in a child theme versus a site specific plugin. Aldrich talks about adding this information to wp-config.php. I am therefore wondering if I need to make a wp-config.php file in my site specific plugin and if this is all that is required? At the moment, I have just created a functions.php file and have placed my snippets there.

I am sure I just need to spend some more time down this rabbit hole, but right now I have hit the limit to my knowledge.

Liked dshanske/extra-links (GitHub)

Adds extra feed links to a page based on tags, taxonomy, and author. – dshanske/extra-links

As Chris Aldrich explains:

For individual posts, the Extra Feeds plugin will add code into the <header> of one’s page to provide feed readers that have built-in discovery mechanisms the ability to find the additional feeds provided by WordPress for all the tags, categories, and other custom taxonomies that appear on any given page.

Replied to Considering Our WordPress Development Patterns by Tom Woodward (

I believe we’ve developed a pretty solid pattern for making WordPress do what faculty want and making that happen pretty quickly. We have high goals in terms of taking on additional challenging work while also supporting a lot of things and a lot of people so we’ve had to be fairly pragmatic in terms of workflow.

There are three types of development we tend to do. I’ll list them below in terms of escalating complexity/time. I’ll explain what plugins and patterns we use to make this work. I know I’ve hashed through this plenty of times before in individual explanations but felt that putting in together in one place might help people, myself included, see the big picture.

Thank you Tom for sharing your various strategies and workflows. I like the look of the Display Posts and Page List plugins. I am also rethinking my CCS changes. I have always put them in a child theme, however I am thinking that placing them in the customiser or even a seperate plugin would provide more portability if I were to change themes.
Filed an Issue dshanske/wordpress-refback (GitHub)

Refbacks for WordPress. Contribute to dshanske/wordpress-refback development by creating an account on GitHub.

Just as it would be useful to filter comments by refbacks, it would be useful to be able to turn refbacks into ‘comments’ or replies as is possible with webmention mentions. At the moment all that is possible is to approve such mentions, such as posts in the IndieWeb Chat. However, it does not seem possible to turn these into comments and therefore display the full text.
Bookmarked Ok to Cross the Streams When Code Fixing (CogDogBlog)

“Who ya gonna call?” “CODEBUSTERS” No. But the metaphor of Ghostbusters crossing the streams was inversely appropriate to a little bit of code action over the holidays (of w…

Some updates from Alan Levine to On This Day plugin, including the means of showing titleless posts.
Replied to by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

For most of my bookmarks, likes, reads, etc. I use a plugin that scrapes my post and saves a copy of the contents of all the URLs on my page to the Internet Archive so that even in the event of a site death, a copy of the content is saved for me for a later date.

Chris, I was wondering what plugin you use to store copies of the links to
Bookmarked Making Google Forms and Spreadsheets a Bit Less Rigid Block Style (CogDogBlog)

The Form/Sheet architecture is more dynamic than you may think, once you crack open the lid on Google Scripts. I’ve long seen the creative things Martin Hawksey and Tom Woodward (and plenty o…

I really like your WP Posts to CSV plugin Alan. However, considering I usually export the file and then upload the Google Sheets, I wonder if I could use the WP API to simply extract the data straight there.

Also on: Read Write Collect

Replied to Syndication Links now supports per-post syndication to from WordPress (BoffoSocko)

The update to this IndieWeb plugin provides better support for use with syndication along with a handful of additional improvements

Thank you Chris for the explanation on the change. I had seen David Shanske’s post about the update to Syndication Links, but was confused how this was different from using a particular tag as a sort of trigger.
Liked How to Run a Free WordPress Newsletter (and the Plugins to Help You Do It) (

It seems like everyone and their dog has an email newsletter these days. If you go back and check the last 10 sites you visited, I bet at least half of them have a newsletter.

Is that a bad thing? No way! While all the optin forms and pop-ups you come across online can be overwhelming, there are se…

Replied to Chris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

An interesting method of leaving Instagram. I still read content there, but I had used dsgnwrks-instagram-importer by Justin Sternberg to rescue all of my Instagram posts back into my WordPress site since it gave me a huge amount of control over porting over the metadata as well. I’m noticing that the repository lists it with a warning “This plugin has been closed as of August 10, 2019 and is not available for download. Reason: Licensing/Trademark Violation.” though I can’t imagine what that would have been for unless Instagram is trying to nudge Justin out. (There’s a copy of the plugin on Github for those who may still want it.) Other than a small issue I’d seen with some emoji in Instagram, the plugin always worked like a charm for me.

I tried jtsternberg/DsgnWrks-Instagram-Importer, but the authentication process throws up an error. I would assume that may relate to the ‘violation’? Might need to try Keyring Social Importer.
Replied to Simple Content Restrictor Plugin by Tom Woodward (

I had a number of emails from people trying to restrict content in various ways. One person wanted to restrict access because they were editing previously published content. Another person wanted more of a traditional membership-style option with the ability to restrict certain content based on user roles. I looked at some of the plugins out there but felt that building something a little less corporate1 would be pretty easy. It’ll likely evolve as I get some people using it but it’s here now if you want to mess with it.

There always something elegant in your simple designs Tom, even more so in your breakdowns.