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I myself, have taught a class of 230 children and I had to teach under a tree because there was no classroom.
Esnart Chapomba

I was recently challenged on the place of space in regards to learning.

Liked Meme Histories – Learning the Web So We Can Make It Better by dave dave (

I believe that people sometimes need to learn to work building their objectives on the fly given what they’ve been confronted with. So how do I design activities that allow for people to learn to persist through that uncertainty and still be willing to accept half answers when that’s as far as they will get?

Meme histories. That’s how.

Bookmarked The Quest for the Possible: Overcoming Dubious Practices that Limit (Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research)

When the wall of old habits and customs is broken down the quest for the possible can begin.

Diane Kashin’s description of what is ‘possible’ seems in contrast to the picture of education offered by Andrew Laming and planning for learning once a term.
Replied to ‘My Learning’ by Greg Miller (LEARN AND LEAD)

As students progress through Years 8, 9 & 10 in the coming years, there will increasingly be more and more time for students to self direct their Personalised Curriculum. This may include, but is not limited to:

Acceleration of core curriculum subjects leading to early commencement of HSC in one or two subjects.
If required, intervention strategies for those students who do not meet minimum national benchmark standards for literacy and numeracy.
Early commencement of VET (Vocational and Educational Training) subjects either at school or through TAFE.
Participation in Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), completion of digital badge courses or informal internships with local industry experts and ‘start ups’.
Self directed electives and collaborative projects as a result of students working with teachers with the following provocation: Knowing my Strengths, Motivations and Interests (SIM), how can I use my identified talents and affirmed capabilities to ensure a better world?

This is a great achievement Greg.

It has been fascinating following your thinking in this area. There are so many assumptions that go unquestioned. I am reminded of some of the work at Geelong College and Templestowe College.

My wondering is the ramification for aspects such as reporting and timetables. I remember visiting a school that had gone down a similar path for Year 6’s and listening to the amount of work that went into creating ‘personalised’ report templates. Will this just come back to your template around your six pillars? I was speaking with a representative from Compass who told me about CENet contract.

I know that it seems trivial, however I think that these tedious elements are often overlooked and I would love to know your thoughts.

Bret Victor reimagines the makerspace built around tinkering and argues that it is in ‘seeing’ that we are able to make this a science. He talks about three forms of seeing:

  • seeing inside the object being made
  • seeing across time to observe the various changes
  • seeing across possibilities to assess which is best solution based on data and reason

Victor elaborates on his idea here, including various sketches. Interestingly, this reminds me of John Hattie’s idea of the Visible Classrooms, where everything is recorded and analysed. This also sounds similar to AltSchool.

Jim Groom pointed out that this is roadmap for Victor’s Dynamicland project.

Replied to Finding my Fingers; A Few Learning Stories by Robert Schuetz (

A blog about learning supported by innovation and social networks.

I found your discussion intriguing Bob.

When I think back to my schools (and university days) I feel a strange sense of guilt about the time that I (probably) wasted. What difference did I really make?

I think that as a learner I have a tendency to dive in. I probably commit myself far too much at the expense of other, maybe. I was struck once by this quote from Sartre:

When we say that man chooses himself, we do mean that every one of us must choose himself; but by that we also mean that in choosing for himself he chooses for all men.

I am always eager about what I do and how it could make a difference. Take for example my recent dive into #IndieWeb. This is driven by a curiosity about what might be and possibly how things could be better.

Thanks as always for your provocations,
