When I think back to my schools (and university days) I feel a strange sense of guilt about the time that I (probably) wasted. What difference did I really make?
I think that as a learner I have a tendency to dive in. I probably commit myself far too much at the expense of other, maybe. I was struck once by this quote from Sartre:
When we say that man chooses himself, we do mean that every one of us must choose himself; but by that we also mean that in choosing for himself he chooses for all men.
I am always eager about what I do and how it could make a difference. Take for example my recent dive into #IndieWeb. This is driven by a curiosity about what might be and possibly how things could be better.
Thanks as always for your provocations,
Thank you for reading and sharing, Aaron.
I am enjoying the look and flow of your new digital garden!
What would be the impact of everyone sharing a #LearningStory in social spaces?
Once again, you’ve got me thinking.
Talk soon,