So, you wanted to follow this nice website for new content, but it doesn’t have an RSS feed yet? Don’t worry, because Inoreader got you covered, again! Introducing Web feeds
Whenever you see a web page with a series of updates, be it news articles, blog posts, classifieds, product updates, weath…
Tag: Inoreader
Not sure if this makes sense and if it is something you have experienced?
Inoreader is all about giving power to the power users. And our most powerful feature just got a nice upgrade. You can now set an external Webhook to be triggered whenever a rule matches an article, which will practically create an instant notification to an endpoint defined by you. But what exactly…
via Frank Meeuwsen
Currently, I use URL Forwarder as many of my posts (like this one) are composed during my daily commute on my phone. I guess I could use IFTTT, but there is something There is something about IFTTT that leaves me feeling unsettled. I am therefore unwilling to use the platform for anything that
really matters to me. I am not sure if I want to pay for Zapier, but have been thinking about it, especially after listening a recent episode of the Automators Podcast:
Another challenge I find is that some of the features you have touched upon do not seem available via the mobile app. Maybe then this ties my hand.