Replied to Designing school when students have the Teacher’s Copy by dave dave (

Design with care. Imagine activities that your students will enjoy. Build trust where you can. Be present, even in your assignments. Do longer term-style assignments where your formative feedback applies to their work. Talk to them about why you love what you know. Try to encourage them to care about what you know. Hold on.

Dave, I really enjoyed this reflection, in particular your point that right answers encourage cheating

If you give any question to a student that has a clear, definitive answer, you are tempting them to cheat.

Replied to Four Questions by Ben WerdmĂĽllerBen WerdmĂĽller (

1. What did you do today?
2. What did you enjoy?
3. What did you find difficult?
4. What has changed?
5. What are you grateful for?
6. Which changes do you want to keep?
7. What are you scared of?
8. What has stayed the same?
9. When did you last laugh?

Many have written about documenting the current situation for posterity. I like the way you structure this Ben, especially the stretch options. Next step is to carve out time in my day to stop and reflect.
Liked 4 Questions Learning-Savvy Leaders Ask | Adjusting Course Blog | Dr. Brad Gustafson (Adjusting Course Blog | Dr. Brad Gustafson)

How might learner-ownership increase if I approach this from a learning-savvy standpoint (instead of trying to be tech-savvy)?
Am I depriving others the opportunity to learn through failure by inserting my voice too early in a project?
How am I prioritizing the learner and process over the product and connectivity in tech-based work?
When learners are connecting in a digital sense, to what degree does the work (e.g. dialogue and learning) reflect their ideas, questions, and interests?

Liked Lead Smarter, Not Harder Tip 2: Start Asking Better Interview Questions by Bill Ferriter (Tempered Radical)

The goal for interviews in a professional learning community ISN’T to spot candidates who already have “all the answers” to questions about technology use or differentiation or classroom management.

The goal for interviews in a professional learning community is to spot candidates who are reflective, who have a growth mindset about their own practice, and who realize that personal growth is a function of collective study with capable peers.

Bookmarked Problem Finding by Tom Barrett (The Curious Creative)

I have adapted some of the Design Kit steps below and have a HMW Framing template

Based on the methods of Design Kit, Tom Barrett breaks the process of framing a problem into eight steps:

  1. Describe the problem or issue
  2. List the stakeholders
  3. Re-frame the issue as a How Might We statement
  4. Describe the impact you are attempting to have.
  5. Why needs your help the most?
  6. What are some possible solutions to your problem?
  7. Describe the context and constraints you have to your future ideas.
  8. Re-write a different version of your original HMW statement.

Here is an image I made based on the How Might We format:

I remember when I ran Genius Hour, I used HMW, however I struggled with supporting students in developing these. I think that Barrett’s steps helps with that.