Bookmarked A DJ Mixes Songs That Sound The Same (

Each video is about a minute long and features him playfully mixing two or more songs together that sound very similar.

This is an novel take on the idea of ‘covers’ in that the connections may not always be intentional. This reminds me of the project to record all possible melodies and place them in the public domain. It is also interesting to compare this with the investigation of samples within music on the Switched on Pop podcast.
Replied to How IBM’s Technology Powered the Holocaust (

It’s not difficult to see the relevance of this episode today. Should Microsoft-owned GitHub provide software to ICE for possible use in the agency’s state-sanctioned persecution of immigrants and asylum seekers? Should Twitter allow Donald Trump to incite terrorism on their service? Should Google provide AI to the Pentagon for the potential development of deadlier weapons? And Christ, where do you even start with Facebook? Palantir, Apple, and Amazon have also been criticized recently for allowing unethical usage of their technology and platforms. “It’s just business” and the belief in the neutrality of technology (and technology platforms) have combined to produce a shield that contemporary companies use to protect themselves from activists’ ethical criticisms. And increasingly, the customers and employees of these companies aren’t buying it because they don’t want history to repeat itself.
According to a book by human rights journalist Edwin Black, Hitler needed logistical help in carrying out the genocide of Europe

I wonder about the technology behind China’s social credit system and the links there. It would seem that what is different is that a lot of this technology is designed by the state for the state?
Liked “I Am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I Am a Woman, and I Am Fast.” (

I get why this is happening to Semenya — sexism, racism, bureaucracy — but it’s just so fucking ridiculous. Fundamentally, elite athletes are physically and mentally gifted outliers. Like, that’s the definition. They are amazing & marvelous freaks of nature. Their minds and muscles and chemicals and limbs are just hooked up differently from the rest of us. But you didn’t see Michael Phelps being sanctioned for his long arms, Usain Bolt for his height, Bjørn Dæhlie for his VO2 Max, or any number of championship male athletes for their abundant natural testosterone. Semenya is essentially being banned for being better than everyone else…as if that isn’t the goal of athletics.

For Out magazine, Michelle Garcia profiles track star Caster Semenya.

Immediately after that mind-blowing 800-meter final at th

Liked The Marvelous Mississippi River Meander Maps (

I have long admired the Mississippi River meander maps designed by Army Corps of Engineers cartographer Harold Fisk but have somehow never written a whole post about them. So when my pals at 20×200 reached out wanting me to write a blog post for them about their Fisk prints, I jumped at the chance. It gave me an excuse to write about art as time travel and, in particular, how Fisk’s clever map compresses thousands of years of a river’s activity into a single image.

Bookmarked Primitive Technology Guy Flirts with the Iron Age (

For the past four years, this guy has been making huts, tools, weapons, furnaces, and other things in the jungle using only Stone Age tools and techniques.

These videos replicating primitive technology is a great resource for digital technologies and appreciating tools over time. It provides a useful provocation for why certain things are done the way they are and what might be the impact of different tools and/or choices.
Bookmarked Jason Kottke, OG blogger – Creator Interviews (Creator Interviews)

Jason Kottke launched his blog in 1998. That’s right, back in the twentieth century. Seven years later, he went full-time as a blogger and it’s been his professional identity ever since. What I find most remarkable about Kottke’s story is that he’s never stopped blogging. The blog as an…

Another interview with Jason Kottke reflecting on his experience of blogging.