πŸ“‘ Secrets of the Edu-Twitter Influencers

Bookmarked Secrets of the Edu-Twitter Influencers – Educational Leadership by Tara Laskowski, Amy Fast, Larry Ferlazzo, Baruti Kafele, Pernille Ripp, Eric Sheninger, Jose Luis Vilson (Educational Leadership)

Six educators who’ve become popular voices on social media share advice for developing online professional learning networks.

This is a reflection from a collection of educational ‘thought leaders‘. What stood out was the intent of self-promotion that many started with. Most spoke about the rich possibilities associated with Twitter, however I feel the same benefits can be gained beyond. One thing that I found interesting was how much time different people spend:

Ferlazzo: Far too much time. I need to get a life!

Fast: I usually get on Twitter after my kids go to bed at night. I’m often on there for an hour or so. I consider it my professional reading. If I’m not on Twitter, then I’m reading a book or an article.

Sheninger: We all can allocate at least 15 minutes a day to learn and get better. Why not make the time to do this on a platform like Twitter where we can personalize the experience? Balance is key.

Ripp: I do the quick check-ins a lot as opposed to spending a long time at once. I do try to reply to every single person that tweets me specifically, but sometimes that is a losing battle. I am still working on the balance between my online learning life and the life happening right in front of me every day.

It makes me think that being a ‘thought leader’ is something that needs to be maintained.

via Ian O’Byrne’s TLDR

4 responses on “πŸ“‘ Secrets of the Edu-Twitter Influencers”

  1. This article makes me think we need to rethink the concept of ‘influencer’. If it’s just a person with a lot of Twitter followers, than the leaders of our society are Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. Well, and Barack Obama too, which is cool, but he’s outvoted by Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga. Aaron Davis has the most insightful comment: “What stood out was the intent of self-promotion that many started with.” It’s the same old story – if you spend a lot of time trying to become famous, then you become famous, but you won’t have spent any time doing anything worth being famous for.

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