πŸ“‘ Pausing Twitter

Bookmarked Pausing Twitter by Pernille Ripp (pernillesripp.com)

So for now, I will be on here. I will be in my classroom fully present. I will try to find a better balance between sharing and staying quiet. I will be in the Global Read Aloud community, the Passionate Readers community. I will be actually reading more of the fantastic things written by others whose work inspires me to be more than I am. I will be diving back into research. I will be looking at my own practices in order to grow. I will be by my fireplace reading a book. I will be at my dinner table laughing with my kids. I will be just Pernille, not Pernille that has a lot to say and doesn’t always know when to be quiet. If you see me on there, it is probably a cross-posting from Instagram or a very rare moment indeed. But until then, take care of yourself. I am trying to take care of me.

This is another insightful reflection from Pernille Ripp. It continues on from her apology earlier this year for stepping back. It makes me wonder what happens to the ‘edu-influencer‘ when they step back? As much agree with Joe Sanfileppo about the power and potential of being connected, what happens when those people stop answering?

3 responses on “πŸ“‘ Pausing Twitter”

  1. I think this tiny aspect of Twitter (& social media more generally) warrants a study in its own right Aaron.
    Is it common? What are the causes/consequences/solutions? Why do some people reach this stage and what tips them over the edge? Fascinating … and troubling.

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