Bookmarked Adding Microformats to WordPress’s Twenty Twenty Theme by Jan BoddezJan Boddez (

I recently moved another blog of mine back to “plain” WordPress, and in the process added microformats2 support to its Twenty Twenty child theme. Some remarks: I’ve yet to add a u-photo class to featured images, I used a bit of a trick to get post metadata to show below short-form posts rather than above, and I’ve also completely hidden the “regular” comment form—I’m more of a Webmention type of guy.

All of the site’s source, minus default plugins and such, is hosted on GitHub, and that includes this child theme.

Jan Boddez adds to the IndieWeb options by adding microformats to Twenty Twenty theme.
Filed an Issue pfefferle/autonomie (GitHub)

“Autonomie” is a highly semantic, responsive, accessible and search engine optimized WordPress Theme. It provides HTML5 templates refined with microformats, microformats v2 and microdata …

I have been having issues with adding a feature image lately on Read Write Respond. The system registers the image as it shows up in the social media preview provided by Yoast SEO.

I am assuming that this somehow relates to the theme as I tested out two other themes and they worked fine. I also updated to the latest version of Autonomie and am running WordPress 5.5.3

Replied to Time for a more sustainable blog theme by Doug Belshaw (

It was time for me to update my blog theme, so I had a look through the WordPress theme directory (yawn) and then through GitHub. I tried a few for size, and settled on Susty, a theme which is less than 7KB in size. That’s tiny.

I like your intent her Doug. Somewhat wedded to the IndieWeb and the handful of associated themes, it is not something I think about. However, I wonder about, especially after reading Clive Thompson’s recent piece on sustainable web design.

I was also intrigued by Jim Groom’s piece on managing your cloudlets by turning applications off when you are not using them on Reclaim Cloud. Although Groom’s focus was on cost, I think this too has a sustainable focus as well.

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The page-now.phptemplate for the / now page is automatically drawn via the file name and no further work is actually necessary, but if the page should be accessible under a different slug (for whatever reason), you can also use the template for the /** Template Name: "/now" Template */header for make any page available.

Another alternative would be post_classto expand, but a dedicated template simply offers more options. A nice example is Dominik Schwinds , which he updates via the category “nownownow”.

Replied to Thoughts on Wikity for WordPress by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

Doing this set up as a theme and leveraging posts seems like a very odd choice. From my reading, Mike Caulfield was relatively new to WordPress development when he made this. Even if he was an intermediate developer, he should be proud of his effort, including his attention to some minute bits of UI that others wouldn’t have considered. To make this a more ubiquitous solution, it may have been a better choice to create it as a plugin, do a custom post type for wiki cards and create a separate section of the database for them instead of trying to leverage posts. This way it could have been installed on any pre-existing WordPress install and the user could choose their own favorite theme and still have a wiki built into it. In this incarnation it’s really only meant to be installed on a fresh stand-alone site.

Chris, I really enjoyed your thoughts and reflections on Wikity. I haven’t really used it for a while. In some ways it was a part of my first tinkering with the idea of a commonplace book. I eventually brought my posts there into my ‘collect’ blog.

I really like your idea about a plugin and would definitely be up for that. It reminds me of what Alan LevineAlan Levine has done with the Splots Writer plugin. This is also how EdublogsEdublogs have built wikis their version of WordPress.