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The spreadsheet you know with the power of a database and project management system. Gantt, Kanban, Forms, and Automations. Get started free. provides another ‘no code’ solution integrating with a number of other applications.

“Clive Thompson” in Spreadsheets Are Hot—and Cranking Out Complex Code | WIRED ()

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This was inspired by a request from a faculty member teaching a speech class who wanted to see the presenter’s body language and the presentation at the same time. They found the Zoom presenter window to be too small. You can do some stuff with that on Zoom but not quite what I would want to do. You also might run into issues where you want to record your desktop on one of the free software options that doesn’t let you do picture-in-picture.

I thought I could make a nice, simple little page that would show a fairly large video window alongside a Google Presentation. That way your can record a single window and see it all at once or share that window on Zoom. It took about 20 or 30 minutes of work when I woke up way too early this morning but could become fancier with a little additional work.

Replied to Clean Google Doc Cut/Paste into WordPress Editor by Tom Woodward (Bionic Teaching)

If you cut/paste from a Google Doc into the WordPress WYSIWYG editor you get more than I want. Mainly a bunch of inline CSS that sets the font weight (see below). This is a pain because it’s going to take priority in CSS land and undoing it by hand is a hassle.

This looks great Tom. This might resolve some of the junk code brought across from Blogger too? Will have to investigate.
Replied to Hacking an Ontario Extend Visited Countries Map (CogDogBlog)

Alan visited 17 countries (7.55%)
Create your own visited map of The World

While most people might fog over in a faint at the site of HTML, to me it’s like good coffee. So in the img tag, src="" contains a URL we are calling some kind of Google API for charts that dynmically returns an image. Without bothering too much, I can guess easily for the value chld=BS|BZ|CA|MX|PR|US|VI|CN|JP|QA|SG|AU|NZ|DE|IS|ES|GB we are sending the list oc countries to map.

You can play with it in a web browser, by adding or removing countries. Try manipulating this URL

In following your blog Alan, I have learned to the love the URL. There is so much hidden in the code and not all of it is that complicated. A simple one that I got from you is ?random to pick a random post.
Replied to Chopping Ancestors from WordPress oEmbedded Tweets by Alan Levine (CogDogBlog)

After a few rounds of swinging the code axe, I am cautiously optimistic I have an answer. Be warned. What follows involves code modifications to your theme’s functions.php and for older posts, some clearing of stuff in your database. Now that there are maybe three readers left (Hi Tom!), here we go.

This is another great deep dive Alan. I have not quite got to the stage of carving things out in the backend, but have started down the road of a Child theme thanks to your help. I am interested in adding your solution at that level. It really bugs me how the default oEmbed bakes in the parent post.

P.S. Am I the third reader or a lucky forth?
