In regards to the intricacies of the album or guest performances, these were covered by pre-recorded tracks, something that has become common in the evolution of music performance, or substitutes, with Montgomery stepping in for David Byrne in always be you. The set also closed with ‘the hits’.
The official set time was to finish at 11:20, but Montaigne provided a track-by-track breakdown in-between each track. This included discussions of Pat, failed concept album and the music industry. This blew the set out to 12:00.
One of the other things that I was looking forward to seeing were the support acts. Both Montgomery and Molly Millington were solo acts, supported by pre-recorded tracks, sequencers or guitar. I remember seeing Twinkle Digitz thinking that the all-in-one setup was somewhat quaint. However, it now occurs to me that the support gig comes with certain conditions. I have been at the Corner before where they utilise both the main stage and the smaller stage, but there are challenges which changing over. It made me wonder about the impact on what is possible. For example, I could imagine Montgomery being a band experience, similar to say Chvrches. I feel that I now appreciate Sylvan Esso’s WITH tour. It also makes me think about the way in which Jake Webb reimagines Methyl Ethel for different contexts.
One of the things I love about going to concerts is seeing the support acts. I saw Montgomery support Montaigne. I really enjoyed the performance and this EP.
Place between Chvrches and Diana.
Welcome back to another month.
With a series of structural changes going on at work, I was asked how I felt about my job. I explained to my manager that I felt that a lot of what we do is thankless. This is not to say that schools are not thankful, but rather it feels like a large amount of our time is spent doing what feels like other people’s work. For example, this month, another buggy upgrade was pushed into production by the technical team without adequate testing or documentation. This meant that a large amount of my time was spent trying to figure out what was happening with all the problems raised by schools to raise with the technical team to fix.
On the home front, our yard redesign has somehow been completed even with the ridiculous amounts of rain that we have had. I remember raising concerns about flooding when we went to Albury, however it feels like things have only stepped up since then. It feels like a new record seems to be broken each week at the moment. Although it is hard to capture something that is so widespread, however I feel like the video of the Woolshed Falls near Beechworth summed it up for me.
Personally, I managed to go to two concerts this month, Montaigne and Art of Fighting. Associated with this, I dived into the work of Daði Freyr and Montgomery. In addition to this, I have been listening to new albums from Carly Rae Jepsen and Taylor Swift on repeat with my daughters. In regards to reading, I purchased a two month subscription to Audible. I got halfway through Miriam Margolyes’s reading of Charles Dickens’ Bleak House and gave up. Instead, I then turned to Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. I was also reminded about the fragility of my digital identity when I was hit with a handful of WordPress errors and reminded how important it is to have structured backups.
Here then are some of the dots I have been connecting together:
“Let Them Leave Well”
Andrea Stringer shares some thoughts on teacher retention.
The Two Definitions of Zettelkasten
Chris Aldrich talks about what we talk about when we talk about zettelkasten.
Why Learn to Read?
Deborah Brandt explains that learning to read has meant many things over time.
Running Twitter Isn’t Rocket Science. It’s Harder
For me, Clive Thompson captures things best, explaining how working with all the variables to land a rocket is still a far cry from the complexity of grappling with 400 million Twitter users.
Blockchain’s real world problem
Ryan Barrett reflects upon the the potential of the blockchain and the importance of human trust.
The GIF Is on Its Deathbed
Kaitlyn Tiffany reflects on the demise of GIFs.
Why Are the Kids So Sad?
Malcolm Harris explores why children today are so sad. Hint, maybe because we all are.
You’re learning a lot, but is it valuable?
Oliver Quinlan reflects on productive learning in response to new situations as opposed to learning to cope with a dysfunctional workplace.
It’s Gotten Awkward to Wear a Mask
Katherine Wu reports on the tendency to discard mask wearing as a bad memory, instead seeking out a sense of supposed normalcy.
Bruno Latour showed us how to think with the things of the world, respecting their right to exist and act on their own terms
Stephen Muecke reflects on Bruno Latour’s life and legacy.
More Proof That This Really Is the End of History
Francis Fukuyama applies his thesis that history ends with the prevalence of democray to today.
Read Write Respond #081
So that was October for me, how about you? As always, hope you are safe and well.
Image by Bryan Mathers