Tag: Dale Pearce
In industry it’s called a six-sigma approach, that you just think about every process in your system from beginning to end and you unblock the system and don’t actually sit on assumptions or ego or anything like that and solve all those problems. That’s the way to move forward. There won’t be a single big thing. So the database will help, focusing on areas will help, getting the testing and the results of testing through and working out what the blocks there are.
It could be just simply that somebody’s got to wait for a car to arrive to pick up all the swabs and it takes too long for the car to get to the lab, and maybe you need two cars coming instead of one. There are all sorts of things that you don’t anticipate are actually the problem in slowing down the system and that’s what they’ve got to do because that’s got to be in place so that they can actually lift restrictions at higher levels than they are planning.
However, I would imagine that such a process requires a culture of trust, which does not seem evident at the moment.
Our regional centres are distinct enough in location and character to consider them as the basis for trialling some different approaches. We have some place-based approaches at play but they’re typically under resourced. Not in terms of infrastructure – because that’s sometimes easier to attract – but in terms of support for innovation. Regional centres are large enough to provide a test bed for specialisation, new forms of governance, use of technology, partnership with universities, school-community-business partnerships, collaboration between sectors, teacher training and attraction incentive schemes etc. Universal frameworks for school improvement and system level initiatives seem to be passing regional centres by, despite the very best efforts of everyone involved. We can do better with the right type of support.
Dale Pearce on Reviewing MySchools