Replied to At the Arts Gala: Making Stories with Sound (CogDogBlog)

Maybe my favorite media thing to teach is audio editing, because it’s typically fat from most people’s experiences. With an offer from Cori to do a session at the Arts Gala event for the Prairies South School Division, I had the chance to bring this as a workshop to high school students who gathered recently at the school in Gravelbourg.

Thank you for sharing Alan. I find it funny that it seems to be easier to record/edit video on the web than it does to record audio? I had not heard of Bear Audio. You might be interested in Eric Curts post associated with online audio recording. Another virtual option is this 808 style drum machine. Oh and I really like the look and sound of PixelSynth.
Read Write Microcast #005 – A Reflection on Blogging()

For more than ten years I have been publishing blog posts on at least 360 of the 365 days in a year. The “secret” has been to just make it a priority every day. There have been stretches where for it’s a struggle and there have been stretches when it’s “easy.” The “easier” stretches always come when I get up early in the morning. I don’t like getting up at 4am, but it makes the writing come easier and then I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day.
Richard Byrne

A reflection about what goes into writing a blog …

Microcast #004 – Costly Convenience()

Imagine a technology world that’s more intrusive, more prone to failure, and more powerful.  We access the internet in ways that compromise our privacy, make us vulnerable to threats, and divide us from each other. Bryan Alexander

I was recently offered a voucher for free parking in the city, all I had to do was sign up. This led me to think about why we take up technology and at what cost.

Microcast #002 – Taking Pause()

Rather than a write a ‘year in review’, reflecting and gathering what’s already happened, I starting thinking about what kind of ‘productive interruptions’ and pauses might come our way in 2018. I don’t intend this to be a list of predictions, as if we can wrangle education into  knowability though forecasts, but as some thoughts about who and what should give us pause in the coming year. When and why should we take pause?

Benjamin Doxtdator recently wrote a reflection of taking pause. He closed the post with a request for anyone willing to provide an audio contribution for a collective podcast. Although short and maybe a little rough, here are my thoughts. I actually think think that I misread it as taking pause over the break …

Further Reading:

Read Write Microcast #002 – Davis Dollars()

We’re so confident in our pricing and service,
that if you complete a quote, but don’t switch, we’ll
give you 100 YouiDollars®. sourse

A reflection on collection of data, with a particular focus on Youi and Youi Dollars.

Apologies for the quality, still experimenting with different workflows.

Microcast #001()

Inspired by John Johnston and Chris Aldrich, here is my first attempt at a Microcast. A short reflection on social media.

I like the idea of a ‘slow chat’, but you need to start somewhere …