🎵 Scratch My Back (Peter Gabriel)

Listened Scratch My Back – Wikipedia from Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Scratch My Back is the eighth studio album (and fifteenth album overall) by English musician Peter Gabriel, his first in eight years. It was released in February 2010. The album, recorded at Air Lyndhurstand Real World Studios during 2009, consists of cover versions of twelve songs by various artists, using only orchestra and voice.[4] It is produced by Gabriel himself with Bob Ezrin.[5]

Peter Gabriel collects together a number of covers. Unlike Paul Dempsey’s acoustic covers shared in Shotgun Karaoke, Gabriel strips the songs back to melody and lyrics.

When he eventually decided to make a full album of covers, Mr. Gabriel ruled out drums and guitars. He went on to renounce the funk, soul and world-music elements that have filled his past albums. He was determined to strip the songs down to the bare melody and lyric.(source)

Through the use of voice and orchestra, he provides his own tangent.

He also inverted his usual recording process. Instead of writing and arranging songs before completing the vocals, for “Scratch My Back” the vocals came first, recorded on sparsely accompanied demos. The performances are slow and somber, dropping to a whisper or building to a breaking ululation. Mr. Gabriel’s voice sounds desperate and exposed, clinging to the melody like a life raft. “As you get older, some top notes drop off and bottom notes appear, which I quite like,” Mr. Gabriel said. “You listen to Leonard Cohen or Johnny Cash, and you see the advantage of the lower end.”(source)

One response on “🎵 Scratch My Back (Peter Gabriel)”

  1. Welcome to another month of Read Write Respond, a newsletter of ideas and information associated with all things in and out of education, mined and curated for me and shared with you.

    June is always an interesting time in the the school year. With end of semester, biannual reports and the cold and flu season. This year did not disappoint.
    Due to a change of circumstances, my wife has stepped up in regards to her responsibilities at work. Along with being more involved within the leadership group, she has been organising replacements teachers each day. Along with study, this has left her with very little time for anything else. Subsequently, this month, even more than usual, I have been taking the ‘second shift‘ balancing meals, pickup, cleaning and general runaround.
    On the work front, I was posed with a question: do you want to do on-boarding of new schools or consultation where I would work collaboratively with schools to solve their problems. Although I was torn with where I see myself long term, I said that onboarding was more of an imperative right now so that is where I needed to be. So I have been progressively moving to the PreFlight team, although in many respects I already was in that team. This is all while guiding a few schools through the reporting season.
    Personally, I have continued to take Friday’s off on leave to stay home with Ms 3, which is a priceless opportunity in my opinion. (She is only 3 for one year.) I have been listening to quite a few records, including Art of Fighting’s Luna Low, Peter Gabriel’s Scratch My Back, Radiohead’s MINIDISCS and Kirin J Callinan’s Return to Centre. However, the album I keep coming back to has been Mark Ronson’s Late Night Feeling. I finally saw Dr Strange, which helped make a bit more sense of Endgame. I finished reading Mike Monteiro’s Ruined by Design. In regards to workflows, I finally got around to adding my social media feeds to Inoreader. I also wrote a couple of longer pieces. One a response to Austin Kleon arguing that blogging is about letting ideas into your world, not vice versa:

    Twist Your Head Around, It’s All Around You – a Reflection on Letting Blogs In

    The second post about the importance of trusting teachers:

    On Trusting Teachers

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    Read Write Respond #042
    So that is June for me, how about you? As always, happy to hear. Also interested if anyone has any thoughts on the changes I made. Rather than including a range lengthy elaborations, I have provided a short summary and linked to my bookmarks.

    Cover Image via JustLego101

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