I am also in the process of adding my Facebook data to my site, however I think that is definitely a case of PESOS. This is all the otherside of the DoOO discussion.
Tag: mentions
I find my self on Aaron Davis’ blog a lot these days. He is doing what I’d like to do if I could squeeze a few more hours into a day exploring the IndieWeb. Great to see an edublogger diving deep into this stuff.
I do find Twitter and social media and all those communities and tribes that I belong to as really quite interesting because they sort of exist outside of this temporal nature of where I work; where my contract is and so forth. They’re connections that y’know if change five jobs, I’ve still got these connections. And many of the people that I know have changed jobs several times, but it’s the connections that have remained – Aaron Davis
Quoted in Ian Guest’s Professional development in 140 characters.
on Connecting, a part of his research into
Image created by Silvia Tolisano in response to and shared on Twitter
Kevin Hodgson’s response to my post ‘The Risk of Hospitality’