Since it was finished in 1606, it has never not been relevant. Contemporary stories can be urgent and often compelling, but the seasoned crisis of Lear pierces more primitively, at a deeper and more elementary level. That is one reason it rings as it does.
Tag: Christmas
An official online resource containing everything we, Radiohead, have ever done, more or less. Videos, music, artwork, websites, merchandise, and assorted ephemeral materials.
This all sounds like something Chris Beckstrom would tinker with.
We have a half gallon of eggnog in the fridge. I can hear my family now, awake and down in the living room. I’m going to go downstairs, pour a little eggnog in my coffee – those West Point cadets missed a trick – and join them.
6 track album
My vote for the Christmas tracks is with Sia’s album Everyday is Christmas. I found it a really interesting album. Unlike the usual Christmas cover album, Sia has written an original album. It is sometimes flawed, but it certainly wasn’t safe.