Bookmarked Learning from disruption: Why we should rethink the place of NAPLAN in our schools by Fiona Longmuir (

In 2020, school communities survived without NAPLAN. They taught, they assessed, they reported, and – most importantly – they supported. From that lesson, we should reimagine the testing regime so that schools and students can be supported to thrive.

Fiona Longmuir, Jane Wilkinson and Amanda Heffernan reflect upon NAPLAN in light of the changes associated with the current crisis. With so much focus on wellbeing, they question why we persist with the same model, especially when other such tests are sample based. This is elaborated on within such books as The Global Education Race and National Testing in Schools. In response, they provide six ways to reimagine NAPLAN:

  • Shifting NAPLAN to be a sample assessment, rather than assessing entire student cohorts. This would enable monitoring of system trends over time, and was suggested by the federal review as a possible solution to address some of the negative consequences of NAPLAN.
  • Valuing a rich repertoire of assessments with teachers’ professional judgements being the basis of reporting to parents and students. Sample assessments such as NAPLAN that monitor the education system can be included, but should be “used only by schools and teachers as one piece of evidence contributing to reports to parents/carers, students and local education authorities”. (2020 federal review of NAPLAN, p10).
  • The removal of the My School website. Its detrimental impacts that allow league tables of schools to be assembled has perverted and distorted the fundamental purpose of our education systems.
  • Fair funding. Among OECD nations, Australia has a highly inequitable system of public education funding. A fairer system of funding that provides the resources and support that all students need to maximise their potential would improve achievement and social outcomes for every community across the country.
  • Trust teachers and school leaders. NAPLAN and the associated focus on narrow measures of achievement have resulted in reduced trust in the professionalism and quality of our educators. Believing in their abilities and trusting in their expertise to know their students would lift the learning of all students in the best ways for them, not just for their test scores.
  • Listen to students. With disengagement and mental ill-health at concerning levels, we need to put more time and resources into understanding the experiences of students in our schools.

It is interesting to think about this alongside Peter DeWitt’s discussion of de-implementation. Although I assume DeWitt is talking about focusing at a local level, I wonder if the real challenge in regards to de-implementation is actually at a systems level?

Bookmarked Academics and Twitter: the good, the bad and how to survive out there (

Twitter is the social media of choice for many academics. At least one in forty academics in an institution is on twitter, contributing to the 4.2 million tweets about education every day. If you are involved in education in any way it is probably a good idea to get on there and see what is happenin…

Amanda Heffernan and Rachel Buchanan discuss the benefits and considerations associated with Twitter. It is interesting to read this alongside the interview with Stewart Riddle on the TER podcast, as well as Sherri Spelic’s discussion of Twitter rage.

In this edition of Meet the Education Researcher:

  • Prof. Dragan Gasevic suggests that rather than talking about ‘learning styles’, we should be thinking about ‘metacognitive abilities’, ‘study tactics’ and ‘desirable difficulties’
  • Dr. Amanda Heffernan explains how good school principals are not ‘born leaders’ but need to learn the art of leadership from others
  • Dr. Carlo Perrotta unpacks why young people are not ‘digital natives’.

I really like Perrotta’s claim that:

If someone is using the term ‘digital native’ in 2019 then they are probably trying to sell you something.

Bookmarked How school principals respond to govt policies on NAPLAN. (Be surprised how some are resisting) by By Dr Amanda Heffernan (EduResearch Matters)

My study found two main ways that she managed to resist the more performative influences of school improvement policies. Firstly, the school had a collaboratively-developed school vision that focused on valuing individual students and valuing the aspects of education that can’t be easily measured. The power of the vision was that it served as a filter for all policy enactment decisions made at the school. If it didn’t align with their vision, it didn’t happen. There was also agreement in this vision from the staff, students, and community members, who kept that vision at the forefront of their work with the school.

The second key aspect was that Anne had developed a strong ‘track record’ with her supervisors, and this engendered trust in her judgment as a leader. She was given more autonomy to make her policy enactment decisions as a result, because of this sense of trust. It was developed over a long time in the same school and in the same region before that. To develop her track record, Anne worked hard to comply with departmental requirements (deadlines, paperwork, and other basic compliance requirements).

Dr Amanda Heffernan reflects upon a case study investigating ‘policy enactment’.

How principals implement, or carry out, policy in their schools.

An example of this is the focus on growth, testing and NAPLAN results. She highlights two methods used to refocus things. Firstly, have a clear school vision and secondly, build trust with her system supervisors.

This continues some of the discussions had in the collect National Testing in Schools.

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I saw a Sleeping Beauty set today with my girls and nearly bought it, but thought it was maybe a bit indulgent =, Interesting how Lego has started marketing to adults