💬 Why I Haven’t Embraced WordPress Blocks

Replied to Why I Haven’t Embraced WordPress Blocks by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)

Indieweb Post Kinds actually does a few different things. It creates a taxonomy to classify posts, similar to the old post formats options. This just allows for automatic creation of archives. I also use the selector to change the interface, but this could be done differently. It also uses Parse This to create rich embeds of linked content. But it adds the microformats for different types of Indieweb posts outside of the traditional content block using WordPress filters. That is something I never particularly liked, and wouldn’t mind replacing with something integrated into content.

I have long been intrigued by this David, so thank you for sharing. I have tinkered with blocks in my long form site, but still see it as overkill most things.

For my two cents worth, I really like the idea of integrating the response box into the content.

One response on “💬 Why I Haven’t Embraced WordPress Blocks”

  1. I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else.

    @johnjohnston https://johnjohnston.info/blog/bookmarked-disabled-postkinds-plugin/

    I remember reflecting upon Ton’s concern about Post Kinds lock in a few years ago.

    Without the time and patience to develop my own fully fledged solution, I have instead taken to kind of living in both worlds by manually including the quote part of the respond property within my post. My reason for this is because I feel that this often adds context to the post, especially when displayed as a comment.

    In addition to this, I have created my own buttons in the text editor to add ‘reply’ or ‘like’ to a link. I often use this as a means of displaying bookmarks etc in the comment section of a linked post, rather than displaying as a pingback. For example, this comment will display beneath my response to Ton’s original post.

    Regarding Blocks and Classic, I am still live two worlds. I use blocks for my long post site and classic for this site, therefore I have not really dived into IndieBlocks. However, I probably should have a look. But to be honest, I think a part of me holds hope that David might one day integrate the response box into the content or provide an export tool.

    For now, I plod on.

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