Replied to In search of modern knowledge by Benjamin Doxtdator (Long View on Education)

What artifacts do we wish to surround ourselves with and care for? After we can answer that, we can begin to think about what we wish to make. 

Was it worth the experience worth the journey? I have always wanted to go to Constructing Modern Knowledge. Also intrigued by your take on rubbish. I feel that applies as much for the digital as it does the material world. I have cared for my online presence a lot more since taking more ownership over it.
Bookmarked Forget the checkout: what about the plastic clogging supermarket aisles? (ABC News)

Some, like the Greens, argue manufacturers and retailers need to take more responsibility for the lifecycle of their packaging. “Product stewardship” and extended producer responsibility (EPR) requires manufacturers to factor the disposal of packaging into its design and production.

Other solutions to the waste crisis include charging more to dump waste in landfill or offering subsidies to increase the capacity of the local recycling sector.

A better option is to consume less plastic. “Precycling” minimises waste by reducing consumption. In practice this means packing your shopping in reusable bags, using a reusable cup for your takeaway coffee, buying items free from packaging — and putting a whole apple in our kids’ lunchboxes.

Nicola Heath reports on the current plastic crisis in Australia. Although every state has agreed to ban single use bags, the real problem that needs to be addressed is in the aisles and aisles of pre-packaged food. Although the impact of plastics on our ocean has been well reported, it seems that there is a significant impact on our fresh water lakes too. Studies have found microplastics in drinking water, beer and honey. I wonder if the solution starts with school?
Liked There’s a soup of rubbish in the Pacific that’s almost as big as Queensland (ABC News)

Whether you’re focusing on count or mass, I think it is alarming and we all recognise that this is an increasing global project and it’s going to take local solutions as well as hopefully global governance to help resolve the issues