CGP Grey talk about focusing on a theme, rather than a resolution or a goal. The argument is that this allows you to think about thinking and work from there. The challenge is picking something that is ‘broad, directional and resonant.’ This is similar to Kath Murdoch’s suggestion of focusing on a word, rather than a specific goal.

α”₯ “Henrik Carlsson” in 2021: The Year of Music :: Henrik Carlsson’s Blog ()

Liked And the word is?…. by Kath Murdoch (

Rather than identify a lengthy list of goals or resolutions, I have, instead, chosen a word. Just one word.

Kath Murdoch puts forward the suggestion of focusing on a word, rather than a specific goal. As she elaborates:

My family and friends have a tradition of selecting a word to bring into the new year. Just one, single word. The word provides as a kind of β€˜tincture’ to the year – its purpose being to regularly nudge you along a path of your choosing – a path that strengthens you in some way.

I have discussed my concern with goals elsewhere.

Replied to METAMORPHOSIS and emerging from the chrysalis: #oneword2018 by Dr Deborah Netolicky (the Γ©du flΓ’neuse)

METAMORPHOSIS is also about letting go. It is about shedding old skins, old bodies, old habits, old values, old dreams. It is about considering what I want to take into my next decade, and what I’m willing to leave behind.

I love the way in which a single word can be used to tie a bunch of desperate parts together, even more so, your words over time really tell a story. I really struggled to think of a word this year. I related to some of the points that you made about change and really liked the idea of metamorphosis. I feel like it is something that we are always doing, but not necessarily aware of or willing to give the time to.