Bookmarked Five step mapping: Clues to the Labyrinth of you by Steve Brophy (Hedge School)

The practice is quite simple. Make a list of the last five explorations in a range of inquiry areas.

1. The last five podcasts that grabbed you

2. The last five books that you read completely

3. The last five websites, articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, newsletters that grabbed your attention

After you have collated the list, have a look at the list. What does it tell you? What questions were looking to be solved? What, as my dear mentor Leon Cossar would say, ‘stretched your attention in the right direction’? Note down themes. Note down feelings. Note down anything else of interest. Revisit the steps and note any quotes of interest.

There is a reason you walked these paths.

4. Sit with the clews and ask yourself how these steps will shape where you are going next.

5. Once you have allowed the clews to marinade in your consciousness, set aside five minutes to write continuously. You may like to pose a question at the top of your page to target the writing. For example, what message does my last five steps have for me?

Steve Brophy discusses an exercise for collecting your dots and joining them together.
Liked Yearning for freedom by Steve Brophy (Hedge School)

Pausing and taking stock of the big ideas that call out to us is how we honour the poetic. Big Ideas or what Christine McDougall of Syntropic Enterprises calls Source Ideas are clues from the Universe. Reminders that we are called here to play full out. To be stewards of gifts that are ours alone to tend to but not ours to own.

Big Ideas wollup us awake. With the emotion required to get us in motion.

And if we sow the seeds of that great idea in the right ecosystem, magic happens.

Bookmarked Hedge School (

A weekly newsletter about learning to stand up in your own life through growth, meaning, purpose, and spirituality.

Steve Brophy has started a newsletter designed to help people with running their own race in life.

The Hedge School newsletter is designed to be the school on the side of the road. Ramshackle in appearance but situated in the moment. Just what you need. Perfect timing with a deep connection to place. You’ll feel us at the edge of new frontiers when you are in need of counsel, support and a place to be heard.

It contains a mixture of personal reflections and strategies that provide readers to go on their own journey.