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We recently purchased an air fryer and have not looked back. Soak the potatoes in water before.  Can do spuds, wedges, fries … all awesome.
Read How to Write the Soundtrack to Your Life by Loz – Affirm Press

Murphy Parker is going to be a songwriter – if she can ever find the courage to let anyone hear her music. When Murphy dares to play one of her songs in a music class, she’s shocked by how much her classmates love it. And her. That is, until the next day, when they hear a suspiciously similar tune and accuse Murphy of stealing.

Someone is playing Murphy’s music and claiming it as their own. But who? And why? Desperate to clear her name and reclaim her songs, Murphy makes an unlikely alliance. But it turns out that friendship might be even more complicated than tracking down a song thief…

I really like the rich characters that Fiona captures through her stories. I think Laura captures this well in her review:

As well as its outstanding depiction of parental mental illness, How to Write the Soundtrack to Your Life had impressive disability representation. Murphy’s classmate and friend, Zara, was bold and fierce and unafraid to stand up for what she believed in. She also happened to be a wheelchair user. Not only did Fiona Hardy offer disabled readers a character they could relate to, she also highlighted some of the advantages of disability inclusion. Being friends with Zara made Murphy and the other characters more aware of the inaccessibility of the world around them. As Murphy’s friend Avery put it, “you notice every single place you go to and how Zara-unfriendly they are.”

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Sorry I am late to the party, but someone lovely I know spoke about starting their writing journey at a young age. I cannot be certain, one never can, but pretty sure it has spurred Ms6 to start writing her own stories in Book Creator.
RSVPed Attending Book Launch: How to Tackle Your Dreams

Join us for the celebration of How to Tackle Your Dreams by Fiona Hardy, launched by Nicole Hayes.

Everyone knows that Homer loves Australian Rules football. But ever since his dad moved away and his mum was drafted in the women’s league, something…

Congratulations on Book No. 3 Fiona. A great event.

Hopefully one day your dreams of a gold encrusted house might come true.

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Ekkk, lucky I didn’t go to primary school with you, might wreck all those literary Aaron’s out there.
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Huge congratulations Fiona on the award!
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Congratulations Fi on making the shortlist.
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I kind of agree Fiona. I often get into songs by feel and only dig into them at a later stage. I think this is why I get into music without words.
I have been reading Fiona Hardy’s How to Write the Soundtrack to Your Life with Ms 9 and am really intrigued by the space created. There is a part of me which keeps on questioning various actions and activities, wondering if they would really happen. Would kids write songs so quick? Would they really have access to a video camera … at lunchtime? However, I also wonder if the problem is me? Maybe, I am not the intended audience? Maybe such books are not about being true, but instead about dreaming in an alternative universe?
In Fiona Hardy’s novel How to Write the Soundtrack to Your Life, the protagonist, Murphy, reflects on the association between songs and feelings.

As more songs played, I kept thinking about that. How songs made people feel different ways, like they were in different seasons. Like they were running, or sitting calmly, or at the beach; or the feeling they had when their dog had gone to the vet and not come back; or when they were at their grandma’s farm and it was night and so dark they could see everything and nothing. And the more they spoke, the more I knew I was desperate to play my keyboard. To make something like these things. To build a feeling.

This had me thinking about the role of music in setting space. For example, the soundtrack to Sons of Anarchy draws on many familar tracks, but interprets them to fit a particular feel. Or David Lynch’s subversive choices, such as the use of Roy Orbison’s In Dreams in Blue Velvet.

To me, Lynch and Orbison both occupy a space in their respective art forms as singular voices. Each seem to traverse or explore more dream-like or subconscious terrain and each bring back a vision that is unique, that is, perhaps, candy colored.

Another way of looking at the creation of space, is the search for a space long lost. This is what Daniel Leviton unpacks in regards to the association between music and the memory of a particular time in life,

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Finally got a copy Fiona and Ms. 9 told me that you know if you are going to be interested in a book in 7 seconds. I was kind of worried, but she said it was the next book on the list to read. Just gotta finish The Magic Wishing Chair first 🙂
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Can I ask a dumb question, who took this photo, knowing that smartphones did not yet exist in Year 11? I do not remember people walking around corridors taking photos.
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Congratulations Fiona
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Congratulations Fiona. Look forward to reading it.