Bookmarked New Zealand Government Integrated Advert By Motion Sickness: Keep It Real Online | Ads of the Worldβ„’ (

Integrated advertisement created by Motion Sickness, New Zealand for New Zealand Government, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

These ads produced by the New Zealand Government are a useful provocation in regards to safety online.

via Jocelyn Brewer

RSVPed Interested in Attending Be Connected – Every Australian online

The eSafety Commissioner is hosting free webinar presentations to help older Australians stay safer online. It’s our way of helping the 4 million older Australians keen to improve their computer skills, but want help addressing online safety concerns.

Join us online to learn about the eSafety essentials. Bookings are limited so don’t miss out!

A collection of webinars provided by the eSafety team.
Bookmarked How to choose good online content | eSafety Commissioner (eSafety Commissioner)

The concept of windows, mirrors and magnifying glasses has been used by early childhood development specialists including Chip Donohue, Kate Highfield and Warren Buckleitner. We have extended these ideas to how parents and carers can choose good online content for their children.

eSafety site talks about the use of windows, mirrors and magnifying as ways of considering the content which we engage with. This is another resource to support the discussion of screen time.