💬 If I were to start a school…

Replied to If I were to start a school… (daily-ink.davidtruss.com)

That’s not earth-shatteringly different than what can exist, but it is cost prohibitive with class sizes and staffing needs. The driving forces are:

1. Students having autonomy, choice, and support to do big projects and follow their passions.

2. Educators having time to collaborate and work with students beyond course content and a fully ‘blocked’ and timetabled schedule.

3. A sense of community support, student leadership, and a focus on meeting the learning needs of students.

If you were to start a school, what would it look like?

Thought provoking as always David. In part, this reminds me of a recent post I read on what constitutes ‘normal‘. The consensus was that normal is about looking backwards at ideals, whereas what matters more is that fact that we will continue.

This has me looking back at a post I wrote years ago about my edudream. Thinking about it now, I think that if I were to start a school I would start by building a vision with the staff and community. I feel that this has been what Greg Miller has done with his school.

I have been wondering lately, as I read Paul Browning’s book on trust, how we create the right environment for such work.

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