📑 B-Tags, Photos, Technology & Surveillance

Bookmarked B-Tags, Photos, Technology & Surveillance by Ian O’Byrne (W. Ian O'Byrne)

These technologies provide amazing opportunities to provide real services to our lives. I experienced this first hand as we enjoyed our time in this road race, and will look forward to the next one together. I was impressed by the use of technology as I was interacting with these sources and signals. At the same time, I was still plagued by a number of questions as I was thinking about these tools, and other possible uses. In our current and future societies, we need to examine these uses and think about how or why we use these solutions.

Ian O’Byrne reflects on the use of ChronoTrack B-Tags consisting of two stickers that contain RFID antennas to track participants in a fun run. This is used to monitor participants, but also connect them with commercial opportunities. Along with facial recognition and smart badges, this is another example of the continual evolution of the surveillance state.

One response on “📑 B-Tags, Photos, Technology & Surveillance”

  1. The progressive move to surveillance is concerning. Whether it be China’s use of social or the fictional representations by Genevieve Valentine featured in a recent Mozilla podcast. I really like Audrey Watters recent point about who and where:

    Why windows? What kinds of windows? Which classrooms, whose classrooms have sunlight? Which doors have locks? Who has the key? Which schools have metal detectors? Which schools have surveillance cameras? When were these technologies installed, and why?

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