💬 The Future Will Be Both Learned And Unlearned

Replied to The Future Will Be Both Learned And Unlearned (DCulberhouse)

To complete this cycle (ongoing and iterative), we must be willing to not only learn, but also create cognitive space for new learning by intentionally unlearning the knowledge, behaviors, understandings, assumptions, and misconceptions that are not only no longer useful or valid, but tend to keep our mental models suspended in the status quo, hurtling towards future irrelevancy.

It will only be through this cognitive intentionality, combined with a greater awareness towards present changes, as well as a forecasting of possible disruptions that loom on the horizon…

That we can begin to determine our learning voids, as well as a unlearning needs.

David, this reminds me of Tom Barrett’s discussion of innovation compression and the importance of taking something off the plate when adding something new.

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