πŸ“‘ The End of the Beginning

Bookmarked The End of the Beginning (Stratechery by Ben Thompson)

In this understanding of tech dominance, the driver of generational change is a paradigm shift: from mainframes to personal computers, from desktop applications to the web, first on personal computers, and then on the web. Each shift brought a new company to dominance, and when the next shift arrives, so will new companies rise to prominence.

What, though, is the next shift?

Ben Thompson contends that there are no new paradigm shifts in regards to technology and instead we are moving into a time of diversification.

In other words, today’s cloud and mobile companies β€” Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Google β€” may very well be the GM, Ford, and Chrysler of the 21st century. The beginning era of technology, where new challengers were started every year, has come to an end; however, that does not mean the impact of technology is somehow diminished: it in fact means the impact is only getting started.

This has me thinking about Genevieve Bell’s argument that every company is a data company today. It also reminds me of Venkatesh Rao’s discussion of history in regards to the internet of beefs.

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