Replied to write on your own website (

Writing on your own website associates your thoughts and ideas with you as a person. Having a distinct website design helps strengthen that association. Writing for another publication you get a little circular avatar at the beginning of the post and a brief bio at the end of the post, and that’s about it. People will remember the publication, but probably not your name.

This reminds me of a post from Kicks Condor on the importance of colour.
Bookmarked Interviewing My Domain – Mind on Fire (

Having your own domain needs to spring from your own desires: as a way to talk back to the world; as a way to talk to yourself while allowing others to listen in; as a way to document your passage through this all-too-brief passage of light that is your life.

Sandy, I really like your point about understanding what you are doing. I often feel the same way too. The more I do, opening various doors, the more I realise I don’t know. I guess the reality is that the sky is the limit when it is a space of your own.

Thank you for sharing.