Liked How Netflix works: the (hugely simplified) complex stuff that happens every time you hit Play by Mayukh Nair (Medium)

This is what happens when you hit that Play button:

Hundreds of microservices, or tiny independent programs, work together to make one large Netflix service.
Content legally acquired or licensed is converted into a size that fits your screen, and protected from being copied.
Servers across the world make a copy of it and store it so that the closest one to you delivers it at max quality and speed.
When you select a show, your Netflix app cherry picks which of these servers will it load the video from.
You are now gripped by Frank Underwoodโ€™s chilling tactics, given depression by BoJack Horsemanโ€™s rollercoaster life, tickled by Dev in Master of None and made phobic to the future of technology by the stories in Black Mirror. And your lifespan decreases as your binge watching turns you into a couch potato.

Liked Platform Literacy in a Time of Mass Gaslighting โ€“ Or โ€“ That Time I Asked Cambridge Analytica for My Data by Autumm Caines (Is a Liminal Space)

Perhaps then when inside of social platforms people would not so easily give away their data and when they did they would have a better understanding of the scope. What if we were really transparent with the data that learning systems have about students and focused on making the student aware of the existence of their data and emphasised their ownership over their data? What if we taught data literacy to the student with their own data? If decades ago we would have focused on student agency and ownership over platforms and analytics I wonder if Cambridge Analytica would have even had a product to sell to political campaigns let alone ever been a big news story.

Liked ClassDojo poses data protection concerns for parents by Ben Williamson; Alasdair Rutherford (Parenting for a Digital Future)

It is time to support parents and teachers to ask critical questions about ClassDojo. As the owners and controllers of a vast global database of childrenโ€™s behavioural information and a global social media site for schools, its entrepreneurial founders need to be more transparent about what they intend to do with that data, how they intend to generate income from it, and how they want ClassDojo to play a part in interactions between children.