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Every single time you support the work of an artist, you allow them to keep playing the infinite game of creativity.

Srini Rao shares a number of strategies for building an audience, including focusing on impact, create more, don’t focus on scale, remember the human are speaking to, be meaningful, and be generous.

Building an audience of true fans for your work requires a long term view. You can’t buy your way to 1000 true fans with Facebook ads and SEO hacks. It’s something that has to be earned.

Replied to Online disinhibition effect by Ian O’Byrne (W. Ian O’Byrne)

Suler might suggest that benign disinhibition brings us together and toxic disinhibition rips us apart.

Saying things in digital spaces it may seem less real, more impersonal, and even dehumanizing because the person you are addressing may be unknown and not physically in front of you. We need to consider that our society is slowly coming to terms with these digital identities that we construct. We also need to understand that our communications are asynchronous in nature. This means that the trail of comments, likes, and links stays around long after we’ve moved on.

This is an interesting discussion Ian. I have been thinking about the online/off dualism while reading Zeynep Tufekci’s Twitter and Teargas:

Rather than connecting with people who are like them only in ascribed characteristics — things we mostly acquire from birth, like family, race, and social class (though this one can change throughout one’s life)—many people have the opportunity to seek connections with others who share similar interests and motivations. Of course, place, race, family, gender, and social class continue to play a very important role in structuring human relationships—but the scope and the scale of their power and their role as a social mechanism have shifted and changed as modernity advanced.(Page 10)

I am really intrigued by Tufekci’s discussion of the networked public sphere.