Liked How the West Got Russia’s Military So, So Wrong by Phillips Payson O’Brien (

Though analysts and historians will spend years arguing about exactly why prewar assessments of the Russian military proved so flawed, two reasons are immediately apparent. First, Western analysts misunderstood the Russian military’s ability to undertake the most complex operations and the robustness of its logistical capabilities. And second, prognosticators paid too little attention to the basic motivations and morale of the soldiers who would be asked to use the Russian military’s allegedly excellent doctrine and equipment.

Listened Military spending rises as disarmament treaties falter from

Australia’s decision to increase defence spending is hardly unique. Global military expenditure in 2019 reached a new high at US$1.9 trillion. Experts warn of an increased risk of military miscalculation.

Just as concerning, they say, has been the breakdown of traditional arms reduction and containment treaties. The biggest of them NewSTART is due for renewal early next year, but there are concerns a second term for President Trump could derail the agreement.


Dr Nan Tian – Senior Researcher, Arms Control and Expenditure Programme, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Associate Professor Marianne Hanson – Specialist in arms control and disarmament, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland

Professor Toby Walsh – Artificial Intelligence researcher and spokesperson for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

Associate Professor Sarah Percy – Deputy Head, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland

I am not sure how to make sense of the sort of funds associated with the military, especially in light of Mark Humphries’ Heat Seeker program. Also, a little disconcerting to think about the idea of an unmanned nuclear submarine cruising around.
Listened The creeping militarisation of our police from Radio National

Police officers in many  western countries now dress like paramilitaries. Special police units are being trained and organised along military lines and issued with military-grade weapons. Is this creeping “militarisation” justified and what are the future implications for the effectiveness of policing in democratic societies?

Antony Funnell explores the increasing militarisation of police through training and uniform. This was an interesting inadvertent response to the recent raids on ABC journalists.