Took Ms. 3 grocery shopping. Seeing all the flowers out for Mother’s Day she stated that she wanted to buy some for her music teacher. My first reaction was that it was a bit weird to buy flowers for another mother, but I thought I wondered what it said to my daughter to say no to such generosity, so we bought the flowers. On a side note, I am not sure I would feel as conflicted – if that is the right word – about buying someone a drink.
Liked Peace and love by Ben WerdmรผllerBen Werdmรผller (

Being generous, having purpose, working in service of others; the truth is that all of those things make you happier, too. I need to get so much better at this. But it’s clear to me that it’s the right direction.

Rather than be responsive to hate, fear, or tragedy, I want to be proactive with love, with everything in my work, and everything in my life.

Listened SEASON 2! Episode 1 Permission and SEO and Blogs by Seth Godin from Akimbo

Seth Godin reflects on the changes to his blog over time. This is related to his recent move to WordPress as a blogging platform. In the process he discusses changes to blogging, particularly related to SEO. He also touches on the importance of being specific, generous and consistent enough when connecting ideas.