Bookmarked Look back to move forward (EDUWELLS)

True learning is a slow contemplatory process and yet schools are ‘busy’ places with little time for teachers or students to contemplate. We are too busy being industrial and efficient,…

The lack of looking back in schools is proof of their anti-learning design in the same way the randomness of the timetabling of siloed subjects is. It makes no sense to anyone that the best immediate preparation for an hour’s study of Romeo & Juliet, is a serious deep-dive into photosynthesis but schools do it anyway because any student output allows us to compare them regardless if it fails to help them learn.

Look Back to Move Forward by Richard Wells

I remember studying the representations of Holocaust at university whilst also emerging myself into the world Baudrillard and postmodernism. My interests in literary theory could not help but bleed, let alone clash, with historical thinking. I really struggled to properly partition those different approaches. This is nothing when going from Romeo & Juliet to photosynthesis. Such transitions often feel like pulling the hard drive out before it has properly been ejected. Never feels right.

The conundrum is what a modern school looks like that is not dictated by the “production for ranking/judgement”? Yes, you can choose your pedagogy, but I feel at some point someone, somewhere is going to come asking for some sort of data and big data requires order, which often leads to classes and timetables. I guess that is your point.

I had never thought of all this as neo-eugenics exercise? I am not completely sure if this is the intent of things such as Australia’s My Schools website, but it definitely has me thinking. I am left wondering how much information getting added to student management systems is for the benefits of the student, say the emergency contact, and how much is for those managing the bigger picture?

Liked ‘New opportunities’: How one school dumped the traditional 9-3 day by Jordan Baker (The Sydney Morning Herald)

St Luke’s Catholic College, a kindergarten to year 12 school in Marsden Park, opens at 6.30am and closes almost 12 hours later. When formal classes finish at 2.40pm, primary aged students can stay for “master classes” run by teachers at after-school care.

On Fridays, parents can opt to pick their primary-aged children up at midday. And three mornings a week, senior high school students can opt for a supervised study session at 8.30, or they can stay in bed and start at 10 – a decision driven by research into sleep and the teenage brain.

Bookmarked [Free book] A Learner’s Paradise: How NZ is reimagining Education (EDUWELLS)

New Zealand education has charged further into the future since 2015 and so it’s time to make this book free. I received fantastic feedback from readers and a huge thank you to all those who bought a copy.

I really enjoyed Richard Wells’ book, now he is giving it away for free.
Replied to Schools must now ‘build back better’ to free teachers and students from old regimes — EducationHQ (

A ‘build back better’ move would be to allow a portion of students’ load to be delivered remotely, giving teachers and students some space for variety in their schedule, and freedom from the byzantine and industrial timetable of schools.

Steven, I have really enjoyed your commentary during the current crisis. Whether it be in Kolber’s Corner on the TER Podcast or on Education HQ. I am particularly intrigued by the ‘build back better’ narrative.

A ‘build back better’ move would be to allow a portion of students’ load to be delivered remotely, giving teachers and students some space for variety in their schedule, and freedom from the byzantine and industrial timetable of schools.

In part, this reminds me of Dean Shareski’s call to use this distance to reassess education, although he is not alone with this callnot alone with this call. The challenge with this is at what cost does such change occurs. To staffing budgets? To equity? To privacy? To mental health? From this perspective, I was really taken by Naomi Klein’s post on the ‘Screen New Deal’. This quote summed it up best:

While there is no doubt that the ability to teleconference has been a lifeline in this period of lockdown, there are serious debates to be had about whether our more lasting protections are distinctly more human. Take education. Schmidt is right that overcrowded classrooms present a health risk, at least until we have a vaccine. So how about hiring double the number of teachers and cutting class size in half? How about making sure that every school has a nurse?

This is a point correlated by Bianca Hewes:

We need more teachers so we can reduce teaching loads and improve the lives of our teachers, and our students. We can say it’s up to individual schools to innovate in the post-COVID world, but it shouldn’t be an individual case thing – it should be a centralised decision so all teachers benefit.

I think that Truss captures this in highlighting the need to be slow and thoughtful about such transformation. Thinking about your own work, I feel that there are benefits to be gained around flipping instruction. However, I am not comfortable of wholly moving learning online on a permanent basis for learners and the various implications that has for education and learning.

I actually think that we still need significant development in regards to some of the byzantine software used to support the fluid structuring of learning, but that is a whole of comment that I do not have time for at the moment.