Replied to Feedback on the Capabilities for a Changing World. by gregmiller68 (

Our next challenge is to turn an improving ‘back end’ tracking tool into a more interactive and intuitive online experience for students and parents which engages them more than twice a year.

Thank you Greg for continuing to share the journey of your school. I am really intrigued as to how well the students are able to speak to this data?
Bookmarked Island Survival: A Cooperative Game | Mrs Fintelman Teaches (

This one will sweep them away. I play Island Survival with year 4, 5, and 6s either at the beginning or end of the year and it is always a hit! They often ask for it again. It’s a great game that allows for problem solving, justification, reasoning, creativity and cooperation.

Emily Fintelman shares an activity designed to help students work collaboratively. What I like is that it is as much about the solution as it is about the process. In some ways it reminds me of the use of different ‘ingredients’ with the Iron Chef challenge. I was also left thinking about ATC21s‘ focus on collaborative problem solving.
Liked Curriculum reform must be based on evidence, not fads by Jennifer Buckingham (The Sydney Morning Herald)

The general capabilities listed in the Australian curriculum – digital capability, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, intercultural understanding, and ethical understanding – are inarguably valuable for the world of work and for life more broadly. The crucial questions are whether they are really generic skills that can be conceptually sequenced on developmental progressions, and if they can be taught and assessed separate from content knowledge. The evidence at the moment suggests the answer to both questions is no.