πŸ““ Notes from Canberra EdTechTeam Summit

Rushton Hurley Keynote

Rushton Hurley:

“We do not spend enough time on the pedagogical implications of ‘fun’ and ‘cool'”

“Don’t worry if it doesn’t work, it happens all the time. Have a go at something different.”

“Our job is to inspire our students … having fun is an important part of that.”

“How often do we have in our heads exactly what we mean?”

“You could be that teacher that gives a student hope for the future”

“The only person to who you ever need compare yourself is the you who you were yesterday” #edtechteam

Discussing the Five Day Teacher Challenge http://rushtonh.com/category/the-5-day-teacher-challenge/ and getting better #edtechteam

“Can you go the whole day without asking the question: do you know the right answer or raising your voice once” #edtechteam

Next Vista For Learning provides a library of free videos made by and for teachers and students everywhere www.nextvista.org/ #edtechteam

“How do we make learning effective and memorable … will it be remembered in 20-years time?” #edtechteam

“Creativity is a muscle that we exercise” -> is blogging and reflection a muscle too?

Critical Creativity

Amy Burvall:

Notes associated with ‘Critical Creativity: Creating with Words, Images and Sounds’ https://sites.google.com/view/amyburvallettcanberrasummit/home/critical-creativity-workshops #edtechteam

“Through making we have meaning” #edtechteam

“Rigorous Whimsy is purposeful play” CC @mythsysizer

Jenga Poetry -> this reminds me of @ddonahoo and Lego Poetry https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/art-and-design/a-colourful-case-of-writers-blocks-20110527-1f7ul.html

Four Fun and Powerful Activities for Starting Class

Rushton Hurley:

Choose an obscure image and make connections with learning. -> @kathleen_morris has a great resource to support finding images

“Best people to create questions are the students. Create a question and four answers. Get them to explain why they made the choices that they did”

Q & A with Suan Yeo


Google have developed a solution with managed devices to run NAPLAN on Chromebook through a locked-down browser app

Showing the Jamboard app via iOS and Android. Beyond that, users can still view. -> Reminds me a lot of Explain Everything

Amy Burvall Keynote


“We are surrounded by poetry on all sides” -> you just need to see it #edtechteam

“If you share your work with a wider audience, you never know who you might effect”

A collection of history videos for music lovers https://www.youtube.com/user/historyteachers/videos

On the IKEA effect. The accomplishment of putting a little bit of effort to achieve something.

Never say, “I’m just a teacher” Everyone is an artist!

Creativity is connecting dots https://amysmooc.wordpress.com/2017/08/06/rawthought-on-ditching-the-dangerous-dichotomy-between-content-knowledge-and-creativity/

“For if you know it you can change it”

“If they build it they will get it”

“Imagination is the root of empathy”

The best app on your phone is your camera. -> Gary Stager has written about thisΒ http://stager.tv/blog/?p=2791

“The most famous remix is the alphabet”

“We need to make our disciplines dance together”

“Get to the ‘ness’ of something”

“Creativity thrives on time, trust and tools”

Sometimes we need to get up, get out and go walkabout https://amysmooc.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/pd-walkabout-a-tourist-in-ones-own-land/

Site Maintenance

Simon Ashby:

The power and potential of Google Sites http://bit.ly/newsitesNZ #edtechteam

Sites can now be found through Google Drive -> here is a link to all the new Google Sites on one page https://sites.google.com/new?usp=jotspot_si

Sites provide the flexibility of adjusting the privacy of spaces https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2018/01/publish-google-sites-to-specific-audience.html

“Sites now allows you to embed” -> one potential workaround for ‘conversations’ is to use Padlet https://www.teachercast.net/blog/how-to-add-a-blog-or-comments-box-in-new-googlesites-using-padlet/

Share your computer’s screen from one Chrome browser to another https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-cast-for-education/bnmgbcehmiinmmlmepibeeflglhbhlea


Jay Atwood:

Coding is for Losers https://sites.google.com/edtechteam.com/jay/coding-is-for-losers-computational-thinking-with-sheets HT @LosersHQ

If you click ‘create new rule’ when doing conditional formatting before pressing ‘done’ then it will copy all the ingredients of the previous rules #sheetsgeek

Whenever you are working with a formula, it can be good to work from inside out #edtechteam #SheetsGeek

Two YouTube playlists associated with Google Sheets: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Nrs6rglVNEtgl2YcPy-dVIGad0Luehn&disable_polymer=true and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6B2lA5Vd2A78PPIzDrTtAvZq6HiG0kU7

One of the key concepts when working with a database, if you ever want to change the data then always go back to the source

7 responses on “πŸ““ Notes from Canberra EdTechTeam Summit”

  1. Hi Aaron,

    It sounds like you had a fantastic time?

    Two points that resonate a lot:

    β€œCreativity is a muscle that we exercise” -> is blogging and reflection a muscle too?
    I think so?? Plus allowing yourself that white space to actually reflect when we just want to be constantly consuming these days?

    β€œIf you share your work with a wider audience, you never know who you might effect” I’ve been thinking about this a lot. It’s hard to come up with examples because I guess most of the time you don’t know what the effect was? At TeachTechPlay last week I shared this old example of the after effects of a global blogging project my students were involved in.

    (Side note: Cringing at the way I used to blog saying “click here, here, and here” Haha)

    Thanks for sharing some great ideas!

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