👍 Jim DeRogatis again makes his case against R. Kelly, Chicago’s legal system and the public in ‘Soulless’

Liked Jim DeRogatis again makes his case against R. Kelly, Chicago’s legal system and the public in ‘Soulless’ (chicagotribune.com)

After a couple hundred pages of just-the-facts reporting, sometimes engaging and others times less so, DeRogatis finally gives some powerful analysis. And, it is a gut punch after he has painstakingly made his case against Kelly, the city of Chicago, the legal system and us, the public: R.Kelly is only on the brink of facing real consequences after 30 years of allegations of predation, abuse and sex trafficking because R. Kelly is finally out of money.

One response on “👍 Jim DeRogatis again makes his case against R. Kelly, Chicago’s legal system and the public in ‘Soulless’”

  1. Rebecca Solnit discusses the culture that often surrounds rape. Discussing accusations against Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Brett Kavanagh, R Kelly, Donald Trump and an Eagle Scout, Solnit ties together a web of power and connection that enable such actions to occur. As she states:

    It takes a village to silence a victim, and there are a lot of willing villagers.

    Ida Skibenes sums up the situation:

    Epstein got a sweetheart deal. Kavanaugh got a scotus seat. Trump got the presidency.
    The victims? Blamed. Shamed. Silenced.
    But sure. Go ahead. Ask one more time: Why are women so angry? I fucking dare you.
    — Ida Skibenes (@ida_skibenes) July 13, 2019


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