πŸ“‘ Introducing a New Rule Action: Webhooks

Bookmarked Introducing a New Rule Action: Webhooks by Inoreader (blog.inoreader.com)

Inoreader is all about giving power to the power users. And our most powerful feature just got a nice upgrade. You can now set an external Webhook to be triggered whenever a rule matches an article, which will practically create an instant notification to an endpoint defined by you. But what exactly…

I really should do more with Inoreader. Also interested in reading about Integromat. Another alternative to IFTTT and Zapier.

via Frank Meeuwsen

2 responses on “πŸ“‘ Introducing a New Rule Action: Webhooks”

  1. Replied to Introducing a New Rule Action: Webhooks by Aaron Davis Aaron Davis (Read Write Collect) I really should do more with Inoreader. Also interested in reading about Integromat. Another alternative to IFTTT and Zapier. via Frank Meeuwsen
    Interesting, I guess you could create draft bookmark posts on your blog using this. My account will downgrade and I don’t think I’ll have access to rules anymore after May. Like this:Like Loading…

  2. I think it would be good if Podcast Addict was able to integrate with IFTTT. Although it is possible to share to Twitter, there are times when I would like to share with other sites and spaces, such as Diigo or my own website.
    Even better than integrating with IFTTT would be to provide webhooks that could be integrated with IFTTT. This is what Inoreader has done. Doing so what then open up the options to any number of applications.

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